Small evening cluster project by DubbinChris

By stevegolf
( 2 )

4 minute read

Small evening cluster project

Compliments of DubbinChris @

Every Fox cluster I've had in my car so far seems to have a hard time really telling me how fast I'm going. I came up with a little solution...
This one might be off a little....

This one I'm guessing will be a little more accurate...

And my workbench...

Pull the bulbs...

And start pulling screws...

Peel up the flexible circuit board...but carefully...

Remove this screw...

Two screws to remove this's likely for the MKII factory cruise...

Unplug the connector by my index finger and separate the plug that's held by my thumb, it was originally at the bottom of the cluster. Didn't get before pics of that but it's pretty self explainatory. Anyway, peel it all back and the speedo should just pop out. You'll prob have to push the trip button through the front lens.

And there it is, a low mileage 140mph speedo...

I disassembled the Fox cluster pretty much in the same manner...

Putting it all back together left me with this...

I went outside and promptly installed it. After a rather speedy trip down a PA freeway with the GPS on I can say that it's pretty much dead on up through 70 mph-ish. At 90ish it's maybe 1-2 mph off max.
Hope you folks enjoyed my mini DIY. I know it's not up to par with my other DIY's. I have a few others in the works. Just need to upload the pics to photobucket and get off my arse and write the narrative. I've been a little sidetracked lately.
If anyone has questions about what I did in the above photos, don't hesitate to ask.
