Project Build: sc2020 - MK3 G60 - By sdezego

By stevegolf
( 1 )

7 minute(s) of a 278 minute read


Yea, pic is a bit deceiving, but since I will be making custom a/c lines, I make tweak it a few degrees downward anyway, which is no problem and no fear of hurting the evap.

I scrapped some time together to do a bit more in the IC piping and it is coming along nicely albeit a lot of tedious work. I just about have the Pass side done, but here are a few pics during.

I ended up cutting much more off the IC, just because it was easier/better for making smooth transitions. Even though it looks like there is a step transition at the top of that pipe where it meets the IC end tank, the inside is smooth as a baby's butt. The IC End tank is cast with a large rib, which will be ground down before welding to look more eye pleasing.

Filler Strip

Give you an idea , before shaping and welding.

No progress this weekend as I will be in Daytona for Bike week and Races.

March 31, 2012

Spent 2 days figuring out what happened to the Cooling circuit on my TIG , but got it all squared up.

Had a bit of time to finish up the outlet side of the IC, I started mocking up some of the piping and will be starting on the Inlet side of the IC. It is slow progress as usual, but steady.

April 01, 2012

Thanks guys. As always, one thing I will remain true to is not cutting corners just to be done with it. I still have quite a bit of work to do, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The best things in life a far from a silly car, although it it would take an act of congress for me to part with my Corrado or my Harley for that matter.

But this was a truly great weekend! I got work done on the Corrado, my son (whom I coach at baseball) Pitched 2 great innings and hit a hard double off of the best pitcher in the little league Majors here, and I taught both my son and daughter to surf today. This, BTW, was at the same beach and very spot that I learned many years ago and then later used to represent my Turbo MKII Scirocco at back in the late '80s. Coincidentally, "The Shark Bite Capital of the world" (New Symrna Beach Inlet) , but who worries about that stuff? 

May 14, 2012

Nothing in the last few weeks on this project. $$ Projects always come first.

I did finish up the outlet side though and started on the inlet.

This was my first official AL Intercooler Pipe TIG welding. Not too bad (just a little movement), but room for improvement which happened on weld 2 and 3, etc. Impressed at how the 2mm CXracing pipe welds.

June 21, 2012

I have been super busy with everything under the sun (except the Corrado). Although, I did Buff and wax it and drive it a bit

One of many items that has been keeping me busy is this little girl I picked up. Don't let the fact that looks a bit messy and old fool you. This thing is built like a freaking tank!

I started tearing it apart to inspect, clean and paint. All of the internals look amazing, so it just needs a couple of bushings made on the apron shafts etc, and they are not even really that bad. Really just some TLC and a few things here and there.

Should be fun to have this at the house and not have to travel to my brother's shop to use his mini lathe 

November 06, 2012 

The Lathe or the Swap?

Lathe = Yes (almost)

Swap = no, not yet

January 02, 2013

I spent the time off for the holidays working on some paying projects as well as working on my garage (which is slowing becoming a small shop) The Lathe is just now about done and already in use. I also got my small 6x24 benchtop mill back together, mounted and operational which will be very convenient for small mill projects (Bridgeport at my brother's shop for the bigger stuff). Also ordered a bunch of tooling for both machines

Good stuff to come. 

January 11, 2013

Pics of the almost done (but currently operational) lathe. I also fabbed up a Chip guard. Just need to make a spur gear to put the whole apron assy back together).

...and my little benchtop mill I got back together. Bridgeport at my brother's shop for the big stuff.

June 09, 2013

ea, it is definitely time for it to be done... I really hope to wrap it up this year.

The good thing, is that I have not given up and work on it weekly, but life has me too busy lately (I am actually ok with that). The Older you get the less time you have to do what you want as opposed to what you "need to do". Wife and kids are priorities as well as work and the house (job in itself). The maintenance alone on 2 Harleys, kids motorcycles, boat and 3 cars is a full time job too. Not to mention the side work I have been doing including continuing to make 02m mounts.

What I have left:

- Rebuild spare G60 charger (already started)

- Finish IC piping (Close)

- Make intake piping and Air Box

- Relocate Batt to Trunk (Likely)

- Finalize A/C lines

- Purchase and mount Oil Cooler in Stock G60 IC duct

- finish remaking the Serp Belt Tensioner (Close)

- Fab work on Header

- MSIII wiring harness

- Misc odds and ends

Then just install it all an tune!@

June 10, 2013

Lest not forget, I am driving my Corrado daily while this is taking place.

I am planning on tapping into that duct for the CAI to the Air box which will be relocated to the Driver's side. approx 6"x7" duct opening in the rear, but the oil cooler doesn't have to be that size obviously.

I spent a week or more hand scraping the ways to get this thing in perfect tune and back to spec. Been using it quite a bit, but still need to make one Spur gear and shaft for the apron gearbox and then will be able to start cutting threads and auto facing. I bought the right gear cutter to use on the bridgeport, but just need to find some time...
