Project Build: sc2020 - MK3 G60 - By sdezego

By stevegolf
( 1 )

8 minute(s) of a 278 minute read


I started getting the power steering lines in. Some slight tweaking on the rear was necessary to clear the custom rear mount which was known. I also fabbed up a small support bracket to mount the lines to the rear S/F cup flange (same location as stock), but not shown.

Looks like I decided to go with the MkIV A/C condenser for the reasons mentioned above. I still have one small brkt to make (line support), but it's easy. Here are some of the mockup pics.

MkIV Compressor and discharge line

MkIV condenser mounted to the G60 Rad. Notice how the left side has the Drier mount, which fits around the rad nicely and clear the G60 and compressor w/o issue. The high side line comes off the bottom of the drier and I will show when I get one on.

Bracket I needed to Fab. Also needed to redrill the left side tabs (no biggie) and need to make the line bracket still.

December 31, 2010

I forgot to show one of my Christmas presents to myself... For those who don;t know, I like to read the Bentley wiring diagrams before I go to bed

I had the "star" tools below, but added the full kit and are they nice...

January 11, 2011

Thanks man. Some progress pics coming soon. Been jumping around a bit, but making progress. I also ordered a bunch of stuff that I was waiting on.

New Harnesses for cabin side of MS3 + MS3x as well as the MS3 processor upgrade and lots of other little stuff.

I will be upgrading MS on my PG/G60 in the next couple of days from MS1 to MS3. I could stay MS1 (even on the new setup), but MS3 is unbelievable and the MS3 (Expansion board) makes most of the items that I was planning in building custom circuits for plug and play.

Fully sequential Fuel and Spark using the 20v COPs, + TONs of other useful inputs and features. 

January 18, 2011

I deiced to change my Fuel Tank to the later intank single fuel pump setup. The 2 pump setup is really a piss poor design. If I ever decide to go back to a 2 pump setup with a large external pump (i.e. a CIS or 044) I can and will have an easy way to mount the transfer pump in the tank using the bayonet ring/housing. The Mk2 style tank mount setup with it's telescoping mount, and $40 rubber connector is My Sender acting goofy again after fixing it once, was the final straw. Plus the stock external pump and housing is another great design

So, I decided to rebuild one of the few single pump setups that have met their fate with bad gas over the years. Full Thread is here ->

The Top and lower diaphragm seals from the inner pump to the housing are the only thing that usually goes bad in these pumps. Granted the $89 TRE replacement makes it hardly worth the effort of even screwing with it...

A couple of pics from my post above.

Bottom side with Pinch Ring installed.

Pump Ready to go into housing. Note: is the isolating seals are shot, then you are in more more research to try and find something suitable to replace them. I have seen these completely melted away before.

Going in and ready to install lower ping seal Ring and 1st stage intake and screen.

Top Pinch Ring and seal installed. DONE! 

January 26, 2011

So, I have been busy learning the ropes of MS3 and the G60/PG is running again. I ended up changing a few inputs/outputs around which will help in the motor swap. I added a VSS in as well so now the logs will show gearing, Speed and you can set up things to calc Tq and Hp, etc (thanks Jeff for the tip!). Already MS3 is better than I imagined.

MS1 Processor out

MS3 in and testing on the benchtop Stimulator (no ms3x expansion board in yet, but that will come with the new motor and not necessary now)

I have also been making some small progress on other fronts, but mostly spending money and acquiring parts.

haha, still have to tune it, but no biggie. Used my base maps from MS1, imported and interpolated to 16x16 maps. Should be a good start. Fires right up and idles great 

You can export the .vex maps from MS1 and import into MS2/3, but since MS1 maps are not 16x16, you need to do quite a bit or work. a good way. More resolution is always a better thing.

Funny story though, my daughter came out in the garage the other night and was watching me work. Apparently, she is going to be a typical woman becuase her exact word were (and I sh!t you not), "...and dad, when you are going to finally put this new motor in? I'm tired of looking at it..." wtf 

January 30, 2011

Since I had to rewire a few things for Meqasquirt3 and I had the glove box out, I deiced to swap the HVAC controls yet again. This time to the MkiV. I have been wanting to do this for a long time and had actually modified the controls with LEds about a year ago ..nothing in comparison to what Dirk does.

Full thread from original interior swap and the latest additions in here (note: 2 tone leather went to all factory black a while back) ->

Also got MS3 fully tuned this weekend, but only took about 45 minutes.

I also had to change a couple of jumper wires from the pic posted above. I had to chance the VSS signal in to go direct to a spare input pin on MS. I had it going through a conditioning circuit and was not getting the speed signal.

All is well not tough and I now have speed in the logs as well as gear indication

MS3 is really amazing. I though it was going to be hard to beat MS1 with the HiighRes Extra code... 
