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Trans/motor mounts are complete!! I don;t have a pic of the final mount Tig'ed up, but it is all done. I also added a side brace to the rear trans mount for overkill. I will get a pic of the completed mount.
I cur off the alignment nibs off of the trans mount as they just got in the way. I also needed to grind the side of it that faces the D/S inner CV as well as the subframe cup as illustrated above (even with relocating the cup). This just gives better clearance and I have about 1/2" clearance or more between the mounts and the 02m CV.
October 22, 2008
thanks. Most of what I have in my garage are just extensive Hand tools and such.
I do have a 20T Press, Cherry Picker, Med size drill press, Miller 25dx TIG, a Snap on MIG, chop saw and torches.
For anything else, I go up to my brothers/our Harley shop. Not an extensive machine shop, but a small lathe, center hone, Beab blaster, etc. We did just get a Gen II bridgeport though
I took the old Benchmaster Mill home, but have yet to have the time to get it setup.
My project has crept very slowly. Too busy at work, other projects, Coaching and wife/kids. I hope to get back into full gear here soon.
November 20, 2009
Outside of gathering a bunch of parts and such, progress has been slow up until a couple of weeks ago and I got quite a few things done. It took a request to make one of my 02M mounts for a friend to really get me motivated
- I seam welded my KFrame and shortened the Mk3 Rear legs for the Corrado - Sry, No Pics ATM
- Modified my Fan shroud for the SPAL
- Finished up all Engine brkets
- Got stuff ready to sandblast and paint
- KFrame
- Entire ft Vr suspension
- Vr Ft Engine carrier
- new Lower Rad support
- All custom engine brackets and mounts
Pics of 02m Mount:
Modified Fan Shroud for SPAL (idea from Frank aka G60ing)
With Studs welded on
Flywheel and clutch install. I have a template to make the lower trans dust shield, since the Mk4 oil pan bolts to the Trans. I guess if I had a Schrick oil pan, I would weld tabs for the trans.
VW Lug wrench comes through again for clutch lineup on the 02m, with a couple of wraps of metal tape
Final Trans assembly with peloquin and paint.
Proper Diff Preload shim installed
Self Etching Primer
November 23, 2009
My daughter doubled in age since I started this project, LOL
I am working on the axle lengths (remember I am switching to the + suspension).
There is a lot of ambiguity in this regard, so I took my own measurements and calculations. I may wait until I get my subframe, control arms, etc finished and bolt everything together to measure the distances from the Trans Flanges to the wheel hub inner flanges. Here is a thread I have added info to ->, but I will post the specifics here.
Measurements from Bellhousing Face to CV Flange:
02a - (NOTE: 3mm CV flange Recess taken into account)
D/S --------------- P/S
206.55mm ------ 37.7mm
Total Diff Width -Flange to Flange = 244.25mm
D/S ---------- P/S
242.24mm ------ 57.8mm
Total Diff Width -Flange to Flange = 300.04mm
Total Diff Width Differences and thus net axle length difference = 55.79mm (2.2")
Based on each Flange Measurements:
02m D/S Axle = -20.1mm (-.79")
02m P/S Axle = -35.69mm (-1.41")
These measurements, I am pretty confident with. The tricky part is measuring the axle lengths in comparison, since the inner CV's can move in and out and throw off measurements as well as the fact that 02m inner CV are Tripods, so a direct comparison is a bit difficult to be precise.
Here is what I have for axle measurements (Flange to Bearing)
Stock Corrado Vr (+ suspension):
27 7/8" - 18 5/8"
Calculated Lengths using my above calcs based on Vr + axles:
27" and 17 1/4"
Nate's Reported Measurements:
26 13/16" and 16 1/2"
Blk95VR6 (verifying):
27 5/16" and 16 3/4"
Rycou (DSS axles) (just purchased and just measured):
26 7/8" and 17 5/8"
So, I am pretty confident that ~27" on the P/S Axle is correct.
But, you can see the discrepancies on the D/S axle. I can easily see that a measurement can be 1/4" off due to the inner CV position, but this is more.
FWIW my stock Beetle Turbo S short axle is 17 3/8" which is pretty darn close if not usable as is. P/S is 28 5/8", so it def needs to be shortened.
Thanks, that is pretty close to my calcs above (1.41" and .79").
Regardless whether it is plus or non-plus, the amount the axles must be shortened will be the same. The final lengths (plus or non-plus) will obviously be different.
Yea, I will probably wait until the last minute to shorten them and measure the actual axle length need (Flange to bearing) with the car's weight on the suspension.
Lowering the car will definitely change things slightly and I know that being "EXACT" not that critical as there is room for forgiveness with the inner CV.