pete25r's bugeye progress by pete25r

By pete25r
( 6 )

3 minute(s) of a 160 minute read



been busy...

The wife and kids are out of town for a little bit. I'm home all alone to tinker on some projects. I've worked on my car some, worked on refinishing a table, played some video games. I've got so much "me" time I almost don't know what to do.

But here's what you really wanna see... an update on my car.


It was a lot dirtier on the inside than shows in the picture. Especially around the IACV



I knife-edged the leading edge on the top and bottom of the plate. Didn't wanna do front and back and screw up my idle, not that it would if it was done. I'm lucky like that so didn't want to chance it. 

On the bottom have I pretty much just took the edge off, rounded it over a bit. I didn't take any material off of the circumference area. 

I carved it up last night, got it on this morning. When I took it off I went off and did the coolant bypass mod. I was there, had a coupler..why not?

Alright, alright. I'll tell you what it feels like now. 

Well, since I did all that sanding and whatnot, I took off the IACV and cleaned it. Dude. That thing was funky. I seafoamed my car about a year ago, but I put it in a vacuum hose on the manifold. I cleaned it with an old toothbrush (it wasn't a used one), a q-tip and some seafoam. All sorts of black oozed out. 

So I cleaned the my IACV really well and after my wrx warmed up the idle was beautifully smooth. Like butta!

What the PNP job did was improve throttle response, increased intake noise, and made the accelerator a bit more fun. As soon as I feel the slack tighten out of the throttle cable, I can feel the engine working and pulling the car forward. Under heavy throttle the spool/air rushing through intake noise is a little bit louder.

Engine breaking feels a bit less pronounced, doesn't slow me down as much. I think that has to do with all the crap I cleaned out of the IACV though. Don't really know though.


Thanks pete25r! Ive transferred the thread over to you. Update at your convenience.

Posted by diyauto on 1/1/23 @ 1:05:58 PM

Wow. I think some of the pictures are broken on the clubwrx thread. I'm still tinkering away at it. Might have something worthy of adding as an update sometime soon.

Posted by pete25r on 1/1/23 @ 4:54:10 AM

Thanks for the update!

Posted by Diggymart on 12/7/20 @ 2:33:12 PM

Love bugeyes

Posted by diyauto on 10/11/20 @ 7:27:45 PM

Great detail!

Posted by Diggymart on 9/7/19 @ 3:42:43 PM