911 Carrera RallyCross Project

( 5 )

3 minute(s) of a 245 minute read


Started the refurb.

POR15 treatment on the worst of the tin ware.

New gasket for the crankcase breather cover.

New shift rod boot as we destroyed ours on the way out

new oil pressure switch.

New oil cooler seals.

New crankshaft seal.

Clutch and flywheel back in place. We only replaced the clutch disc as we will be using an uprated clutch once we move up a few classes next year perhaps. This will get us by for now especially as the old one was almost down to the rivets.

The old distributor cap, rotor arm and plugs don't look too bad but will be replaced never the less.

We are going to adjust the valves while the engine is out. Seems like a good idea. Set #1 cylinder to TDC.

Shouldn't this be a bit more to the right?

This is supposed to make things easier. I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

Would have adjusted the valves yesterday but got distracted by tryig to make the tow vehicle look like the race vehicle.

Two weeks till the next event. Still have:

valve adjustment
trans fluid change
plug wires
cut air filter cover
attach transmission
replace fuel filter
install in car

Think we'll do it?


Wow what a build! Thanks for sharing!

Posted by Diggymart on 1/7/19 @ 3:39:29 PM