911 Carrera RallyCross Project

( 5 )

3 minute(s) of a 245 minute read


Installed a remanufactured alternator.

Though a little fiddly it all went back OK, until the final step:

Why is my belt now slack, even with zero shims?  

Installed a new belt courtesy of Munk's Motors. Also bought an extra 2 shims. You can see the old belt is significantly narrower then the new one.

Problem solved. Though it did need only 2 shims inside, 4 outside. Will check it next week.


Back to the lowering saga. If you remember we were trying to lower the car back to stock US ride height of 25.5" front and 25" rear. We had set the spring plates at 35* which, with our stock torsion bars should result in this. But it didn't! Instead returning about 26.75".

So we tried again with 32* which we calculated based on how many inches of lowering we got per degree of spring plate inclination change from the previous attempt. This resulted in 24.5" ride height which is lower than we want.

What's going on? Well, it turns out the car appears to settle quite a lot if left overnight or driven. I thought bouncing it would settle it but apparently not. The 26.75" was measured after just bouncing the car. The 24.5" after letting the car sit overnight. Solution: set the spring plates to 33* and leave it overnight. Result: 25.5" of rear ride height. YAY. Then we set the fronts to 26" rather than 25.5" for a little more front clearance and took some pictures because it just looks so darn cool in the sun IMHO.


Next: mud flaps.


Wow what a build! Thanks for sharing!

Posted by Diggymart on 1/7/19 @ 3:39:29 PM