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Okay, so I think I have narrowed down the stuttering problem to one of my O2 sensors. I hooked up the HP tuners to the car and sat down with it to do a little diag. I found that bank 1 O2 is stuck at .1v and causing the fuel trim to max the F out. Injection timing for bank 1 was 4 times the p/w of bank 2. So whenever the car was in closed loop, it would jump WAY too much fuel and the car would bog. This explains why the car would run better when cold, and would eventually run smoother if I gave it more gas. I have ordered up some new O2 sensors and hopefully will get them by the end of the week so I can throw 'em in. I also got my 2nd fuel pump, and 60# / hr. injectors so those will be going in the car this weekend as well. Along with a larger fuel line. I also ordered a 2 bar Map sensor for when I convert the car over to speed density. I also got me a screw in IAT, so I have to weld a bung unto the IC pipe as well. Luckily I have a 4 day weekend this weekend so ALOT of stuff will get done. If my O2 sensor come in, I'll try to make a driving video with some cool noises for everyone.
I think I would like to keep it in the 500hp range. That should be fast enough to scare the ♥♥♥♥ out of me, who knows... I've got plenty of outside car pics.
Well I ended up having to redo the exhaust, it was hanging WAY too low. Tuesday my O2 sensors should arrive, then I'll be able to take the car out and do a little tuning. Trust me, video's will happen as soon as the car is video worthy.
This just in... I got my new O2 sensors installed and was actually able to drive the car!!! WAHOOO!!! BTW, the turbo sounds amazing. Now for my next set of issues... Smoke out the tail pipe under any boost. I can have the boost gauge at "zero" at any rpm, but the second I see 1psi + I get smoke. I need to get myself a catch can, boost in the crank case is bad. I also need to adjust the oil return line a little so its at a constant downward angle, and install my oil feed line restrictor once it comes in. So this coming week end i'll work on that stuff, as well as get the injectors installed and hopefully converted to speed density. Actually driving the car and hearing the turbo spool was worth the entire wait.
Okay, I re-routed the PCV lines, added an oil feed restricter and took the car out for a spin, NO SMOKE!! WHAHOO! So I installed my 60# injectors, and went out for a little cruise. Ya, the video sucks but you can get an idea of how loud the turbo is, and how fast it spools. So far, this China turbo is doing an alright job.
I swapped the car over to the new heads just this past weekend and got it running. Have fatty exhaust leaks on the header flanges from re using the factory gaskets too many times. Also... Before I take her to the track, I need to finish the roll cage, install the drive shaft loop, and buy me some fire proof clothing. And get the boost set with a good amount of tuning. I already know the car is going to be a monster. I went out for a little test drive, hit 6psi at roughly 1/2 throttle and left a certain individual's RB26 powered Z in the rear view.
I am going to run about 10 psi and tune with that.
I've got a 14" spal pusher stuffed between the radiator and the intercooler. Seems to be doing the trick. This car is going to be down for a little while. I can't seem to get it running right, and its doing a very good job of frustrating the hell out of me. I need to take a step back and relax. Seems like it only runs good at WOT, which would be good if it was a track only car. But my intentions for the car are to have a reliable, drive every day if I want to street / strip car. ugh....
I'm not running the 2 bar speed density yet, I have to get a whole other PCM to do so since the serial number burned into my current PCM is not identifiable. Anywho... the car starts running like ass when I'm just cruising. Not even in any kind of boost. I'm honestly contemplating selling this kit. Who would be interested? And what kind of price range would it be worth? I have no idea. Things were much less complicated when I was N/A. Ahhhh the good 'ol days..
Well, its official.
Ya, I really like the whole build process part of things. And now that I'm done with the turbo build, I'm craving something else. How about 1,000$ plus shipping?
Well.... I pulled all the turbo stuff off the car this last weekend. I blew out another exhaust manifold gasket. I bought some bling carbon steel exhaust gaskets just for this reason, and they took a dump in less then 100 miles. This is the second set of gaskets that I've put on the car in less then 200 miles. If I'm already have problems like this after only a couple hundred miles... I don't want to even imagine the kind of issues I'm going to run into after a couple thousand. Anyways.... I'm converting back to N/A, I hung onto my heads for just such an occasion. I'm going to try and make as much power I can like this, and see if I can accomplish my goals at the track. Everything is for sale BTW! If you want any particular pieces, let me know.
So after much search for a way to get rid of my old turbo log manifolds I have finally found a solution. Being a lurker on "theturboforums" I found a guy using C6 vette manifolds flipped and upside down. They point forward / upward. And since they hug the block pretty good, I ordered me up a set and threw them on the car for a test fit.
The passenger side comes pretty close to the inner fender, but it does not hit. And the closest point is just the outer portion of the flange anyways, no biggie. Naturally, I had to change the mid section on my manifold in order to accommodate the new manifolds. Nothing that the 'ol harbor freight tig can't take care of!
I have also changed a couple other things with the car. I'm now running 317 heads Vs. my old 5.3 heads. Goal was to lower the compression so I can run some more boost safely. And I'm using an LS1 intake manifold Vs. m6 old LS6 manifold. (Had to borrow the LS6 for an N/A project) So the difference by ONLY swapping the manifolds was... no tire spin on the freeway, to: now I've got some tire spin on the freeway. I'm only running about 8 - 9psi too. Tomorrow I am taking the car out to the local 1/8th mile strip and as always... Will keep you all posted. Probably have a movie to post as well. Till next time.
I have also considered a twin set up. But think that you would just have twice the piping running everywhere. Who knows... I picked up a set of C6 manifolds off ebay for 83$ shipped. Not too bad in my opinion. Seems like with the new manifolds the turbo spools up a little bit quicker. Which is a relief! It was pretty laggy before. So Tonight I took the car out to the track. As always, ran into some snags... But Also ran some of the best times I ever have. The best time slip is: 6.6 @ 104 with a 1.52 60ft. Next best slip is 7.8 @ 106 with a not so good 60ft. On the 106 run the car was bogging / sputtering on the Tbrake some, and also off the line. Once I hit the 60ft. mark the car took off like nothing I have ever felt before and still trapped 106. Seems as if my old manifolds were holding me back big time! Every small turn of the boost controller would give me VERY noticeable gains. With the old manifolds, every time I upped the boost the car would get slower. And tonight I was able to run as much as 12psi.
Sweet ride!
Posted by Diggymart on 10/24/18 @ 2:23:27 PM