MAP Stage 2 LR 2.4L Build by Blue91lx

By diyauto
( 3 )

3 minute(s) of a 210 minute read


Welp, I'm off to esquela this weekend, so this will be the last batch of pictures. The car is just awaiting the aforementioned bolts before she gets tuned, but I'll probably wait until next summer to tune it as I'll be 12 hours away from the car until then.

Put the baffles in the newly powdercoated, tapped, and -10an fitted VC:

Heard the torque ratings from Anti-Seize aren't consistent at higher ft/lbs, and saw how consistent this stuff is:

Putting the head on and S3s in:

Got a 120* fitting to work for the front balance shaft inspection hole fitting:

Re-did some more wiring:

This is for your Mr. Brunson:

Yay for fresh plugs and BradPenn:
