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Was looking for some pics of striping for my car, and look what I found. Scroll down a bit
I was thinking more like blue with white stripes, like I said earlier I think I will do the stripes in vinyl just in case I don't like them. Its funny the guy added the back bumper to the car just like I said I was going to do, the only thing is it has my old quarter panels. The vents he put in the front fenders I actualy debated for a long time when I built the fenders, thought it would be too much with the massive rear vents, looks OK though. The pic I think the guy used was the car on the tale of the dragon in Tenn.
If I were to build the Mustang again, I would still build the chassis from scratch, for some reason I just enjoy that part of the build. The mud and paint work, not so much. I would however try alot harder to keep the weight down, and not build such a bulldozer chassis.
The renderings are cool, but for some reason I need to stand back with the sheet metal hanging on the car and ponder for a while. I don't think the rendering of the Mustang would have looked anything like that if I would have tried to explain it to someone. I've seen alot of renderings that were cool as hell, but when the cars were built something got lost in the translation. My brother photoshopped my AMX project with the wheelbase, and flare mods for me. I'll post them up as soon as I start the build thread.
I haven't even touched the car since VIR, but it will be painted by RTTH. I am going to the Grand Prix race here in Baltimore this weekend, then the clock will start running on my mad dash to get the car in color before the 22nd. I still need to make rear bumper brackets, fit the poorly fitting bumper, fabricate the rear splash pan, and sand and paint the whole whole car. No problem, I'm only working 10 hour days at my regular job, sleep is highly over rated anyway. The paint should still be wet when it goes on the trailer for Pigeon Forge. With the amount of abuse the road courses put on paint, I'm not making it too nice, so I won't cry when the thing gets sandblasted at speed.
The glass in the car is glass, the rear window is 45 years old.
Finally got started finishing this car, installing rear bumper, making a rear splash pan. Got the bumper brackets/tie downs made, started the lisence mount which the two small rear splash pans will attach to.
After watching the Ravens complete and total domination of the Steelers, I went ahead and installed the center of the splash pan. Tomorrow I'm hoping to get the sides fabbed. Turned out pretty good, I think the finished product will look much better then the Ford design.
I've been so crazy busy,I think the car Gods don't want this thing painted. Got most of the belly pan made, and one side of the splash pan built. From the rear, the belly pan will have an exposed 2" step in it. I will powder coat it flat black so I don't think it will stand out, but if it does I'll just remove it.
OK, its 11:15 PM car is finally in color.Raining cats and dogs here, alittle haze in clear, fired the heat up hoping it works its way out.Really could have used a couple more days to sand on it to smooth it out, but I had just had enough. So tomorrow I need to reassemble the car, change the oil, load the car and drive 9hrs. to Tenn. Brain damage I tell you. want to send out a special thanks to my buddy Joe for his help tonight, I couldn't have done it without him.
My son in law sent me these pics, this one really shows the new rear sheet metal.
Spent so much time thrashing, getting ready, that I never take the time to contrast the changes. Found a couple of pics that show the differences in the rear.Think it definitely lost the load in the diaper look.

Amazing job. Especially considering it started with a $400 car!
Posted by CCmyVW on 1/26/20 @ 4:36:17 PM

Great build thanks for sharing!
Posted by Diggymart on 10/16/18 @ 12:37:15 PM
Very awesome build , but $5,000 is an unrealistic amount . But maybe you know something I don’t lol. Going to be nice when done either way!
Posted by Manny6572 on 10/10/22 @ 6:56:42 PM