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Thank you all for cheering me up yesterday. ❤️ The stang is back at the tranny shop and I should get it back by tomorrow or Wednesday. Once I get it back if all goes well , I just have to install the dash/tach, and kick down cable for the tranny, and then I think I can finally test drive it. Praying to the car gods it runs *smoothly* !
#vintagemustang #vintagecar #fordmustang #1967mustang #1967 #carrestoration #projectca #mustang #mustanggirl #classicmustang #fordmustangs #ford #classiccars #mustangcoupe #mustangrestoration #girlswhowrench #mustangsofinstagram #fomoco #edelbrock #351windsor #351w
The mustang is back in the barn after spending a few days at the tranny shop. Servo was replaced, new thread done, and luckily we discovered a small crack on the tail/extension which was leaking too, so that was also fixed. Fired it up and it sounds and feels amazing! A few more things and I should be able to test drive it soon. Anyway. Have any of you guys named your Stang? I named mine “Remy,” an homage to Phil Remington, the master fabricator who was known as the problem solver at Shelby. I think he was an absolute genius who found a solution to every issue, which is the mentality I’ve tried (very hard) to embody during the build. Drop your names below, I’d love to hear them and if they have any stories / reasons behind them! ???
#vintagemustang #vintagecar #fordmustang #1967mustang #1967 #carrestoration #projectcar #mustang #mustanggirl #classicmustang #fordmustangs #ford #classiccars #mustangcoupe #mustangrestoration#girlswhowrench #mustangsofinstagram #fomoco #matrixcolor #coopercobra #bassettwheels
February 22nd - November 24th. What an insane experience this has all been. It was both exciting and terrifying to drive something put together by my bare hands. But somehow, I got this hunk of metal alive. ??
?I ended up replacing the fan on the radiator to help protect the engine from overheating, and ?i got the fuse replaced for the alternator which is now working.
Slowly starting to fix the big issues and make way for the smaller ones. As it’s thanksgiving I feel it’s only appropriate to say thanks to all of you who have helped me, taught me things, cheered me on, and sent me memes. You’re most appreciated.
Hope you all have a beautiful thanksgiving! Thank you for helping me see that the finish line exists and I can reach it ????
#vintagemustang #vintagecar #fordmustang #1967mustang #1967 #carrestoration #projectcar #mustang #mustanggirl #classicmustang #fordmustangs #ford #classiccars #mustangcoupe #mustangrestoration #girlswhowrench #mustangsofinstagram #fomoco #351windsor #351w

Nice work! Thankfully the body looked in decent shape to start with, lots of these are pretty rusty at least around here. Inspiring me to get a Mustang of my own!
Posted by stevegolf on 10/22/20 @ 11:11:58 PM

Beautiful car! and that's an excellent color. Great job bringing it back to life!
Posted by MPower on 10/12/20 @ 1:48:12 PM

Great build Isabelle!
Posted by Diggymart on 10/11/20 @ 7:30:29 PM
Great job and love the color!
Posted by DIYauto_Admin on 11/4/20 @ 2:33:40 PM