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A small break from usual Mustang resto programming to share some really cool pics of a place I’ve driven past at least 200x. It’s only a stones throw away from Los Angeles, and while driving on the freeway it’s easy to spot thanks to the infamous “MUSTANG MTN” Hollywood style letters hanging on the mountaintop. If you ever get a chance to stop on your way out of LA or into it, you’ll be happy you did! For all true ford and mustang lovers, this place is a scrap dream filled with odd bits and pieces everywhere. There’s something special about little spots and junkyards like this, ain’t there? Like they are permanently stuck somewhere else in time and when you enter them you get to become part of that period, too.

Nice work! Thankfully the body looked in decent shape to start with, lots of these are pretty rusty at least around here. Inspiring me to get a Mustang of my own!
Posted by stevegolf on 10/22/20 @ 11:11:58 PM

Beautiful car! and that's an excellent color. Great job bringing it back to life!
Posted by MPower on 10/12/20 @ 1:48:12 PM

Great build Isabelle!
Posted by Diggymart on 10/11/20 @ 7:30:29 PM
Great job and love the color!
Posted by DIYauto_Admin on 11/4/20 @ 2:33:40 PM