Project 1990 country squire resto/modification by andyfanshawe

By diyauto
( 3 )

9 minute(s) of a 418 minute read


Sorry guys, not been on much. Work is getting busy-exam season just starting.
Anyway, you will all be pleased to know that the engine fired up and ran, but a bit rough! Was eventually traced to a loose connection to the coil and timing was 20 degrees out! Many little leaks but all sorted by tighteneing up various fasteners.
Now its all the fitting up of front calipers, bleed brakes out, front sway bar, front shox (front springs put back in place of airbag temporarily), front and rear bumpers, last bit of cosmetic welding and its off for its annual test.
When it passes, its bodywork time.
I have a graphic designer coming to photograph the car in the next few days to design a paint job. I'll keep you all posted of the different designs.


Trying to catch up now.

Front calipers (new) painted.

Front sway bar painted

Front springs painted

New drop links

All installed

Heres the EGR completely clogged

Sway bar 

Heres the sticking rear fold down seat locking mechanism being cleaned and freed off

All brakes bled out, all suspension bolts tightened....and a serene view of the wagon waiting for its first test drive!


You're a talented man Bert. You have my admiration.

2 12 hour + days and its bumpers back on today, but have a look whats under the silver foil

and thats with it cleaned up! So major scraping and rustproofer sprayed around.

So thats about it for the first stage of its resurrection. All that remains is to fire it up and see if it moves and stops!

Heres the first photos of its new position for a few days while I do a bit of cosmetic welding.

I only turned it around, but what a fantastic feeling! First time in 6 months it has moved under its own power after an extensive rebuild. And nobody was there to see it...except me.

I don't care. I know what has gone into this car. And I know whats to come.  

Every single day through the long cold winter in sub zero conditions-with spanners frozen to the floor and water running out of my shoes. No excuses, no sitting in a warm comfy chair, no complaining about how cold or wet it is outside. I didn't realise how lonely it was until the last few days when other people are outside because the weather is better.  

This feeling is something else.

Heres where it was!

Has it really been that long? This has been hard, and I mean one of the toughest I have ever attempted. The rest won't be easy but the results will start to show.  

Thoughts turn to the next project....................................but for now, thanks to all that have been following along. Your inputs have been invaluable.

Now lets get some paint on this thing and bring it to life! :hat: :hat:


Right, I'm back.

Lets sort this mess out

Heres the bit I cut off months ago that has been waiting patiently to be repaired and returned to its home.

The black line is where I will cut it and join a new section on.

Heres the panel cut and a new section made up and clamped ready for welding

Heres the new section spot welded in place. Notice the shrinking hammer marks on the lip because I had to shrink it to get a slight curve on it

Here it is in place ready for welding

Welded and primed and painted white temporarily

Right, lets close it all off

Heavy rustproofing first

Panel made up and painted on the inside with a hole for more rustproofing

In place waiting for the MIG torch


Heres the drivers side undergoing repair. This is the "sponge" pulled from the top hole in the picture. This is the stuff that holds water and then tips it down the inner rocker and rots it out. So in the bin it goes.

Heres the closing off panel ready to be welded


Not been on much, but a lot has been done. A lot of little things to get the car through its annual test.

Here's the patch final welded

Heres the battery clamp spacers!! All they had to do was cut it shorter and rebend.

More photos of that soon

Heres the rust hole in the font of the rocker being repaired. All butt welded for accuracy.

Panel cut and just about to be offered into place

Tacked in

Fully welded

I have removed the number plate and moved it to the end of the bumper

Saturday is test day.


Heres the old and new battery hold down clamp. You can see the original battery must have been wider.

Well I made it to the test station with no funny noises or squeaks or rattles and it.............passed!!!

Heres the emission read out. CO and HC is okay but lambda is not. But it doesn't matter since the emissions are within specs for this year of car in this country.


Now its serious bodywork time!!!!


Thanks guys

Oops! I've just spotted from the photos of the battery that I've fitted it the wrong way round!! Connected okay, but 180 degrees out!!
Bet you were all too polite to say :whistle:


Love this build, so much work!

Posted by diyauto on 1/21/21 @ 1:46:55 PM

Agree! Tons of labor went into this

Posted by bdub on 1/21/21 @ 1:48:34 PM

The Country Squire was very popular! Great work!

Posted by Diggymart on 1/19/21 @ 5:12:09 AM