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connected the oil pressure gauge line to the oil distribution block
this was probably the easiest thing i did today !!
was a pretty successful day, next should be doing all the bolt on items, should start moving a little faster now...
Installed the passenger side splash pan last night. always a fun task getting it in there just right and all the holes lined up. figured get that in before anything else so that i have more room to work around to get it situated
Drivers side will go in later, doing one side at a time
next up was the starter, get it in, lined up and then power from the battery and then the wire to the dash
pretty simple install, the Rubber boot was added after several discussions and an incident where the electrolock cable brushed by the starter post and threw sparks everywhere !! this isolated and protects the starter post which is positive (Direct to the Battery) from the electrolock (which is ground)
next up begins the fun adventure. Distributor !! which was rebuilt by Skip with new point set & condensor.
used my compression gauge to ensure i had cylinder 1 at Top Dead Center (TDC) this way i can set in the distributor and ensure it is on 1. used my tool and lined up the oil pump so that the distributor can seat fully. dropped in the thrust washer, and after a little tinkering and adjusting it dropped right in. installed the spark cable bracket to the block, put in the distributor adjustment screw for the spark cable, this limits the range/motion of the distributor when using the spark cable.
adjusted and set the point gap to .018", should be rough timed for now
secured the distributor in place
next up i put the spark cable in place and made sure it worked and moved freely, also put in a few drops of oil in the line to keep it freely moving.
now hte electrolock, luckily i have a colored cheat sheet that have been using, and done this a few times, so was not that difficult. always double check the order and that everything is in its place, especially the isolators for the points/contact. then secure it in place.
dropped in a new rotor button and distributor cap.
few more items and this side will be complete
spark plug wire holder
spark plug & coil wires
new coil install
few more items and this side will be complete
spark plug wire holder
spark plug & coil wires
new coil install
Swapped out the coil want to make sure all ignition items are NEW.
installed the spark plug wires and the wire bracket
now to the other side, plugs will go in later, leaving them out for ease of cranking engine by hand !!
went ahead and set the valves cold, and made sure the wicks were installed and set
installed the wire clips and ran the headlight wire across the front before the radiator goes in. the other wire is the signal wire !
installed generator & bracket, lined up the pulleys and dropped on the belt
then set up the tensioner
Great car !
Posted by Diggymart on 9/7/19 @ 3:48:57 PM