Armrest Cover DIY BMW F3x

By diyauto
( 1 )

4 minute read

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Armrest Cover DIY BMW F3x

16. First use some sort of plastic pry tool like the one shown to separate the center console into two pieces as shown. Disconnect the lighter power and remove the console piece from vehicle.

17. Grab the spring with pliers as shown and pull up to get the spring in the position shown here.

18. With the spring out of the way push on the silver pins as seen in the picture.

19. With the spring out of the way push on the silver pins as seen in the picture.

20. Now pull the silver pins out with pliers.

21. Take the assembly to a working table. Glue the cover over the factory one (do not remove it!) Since the sliding assembly is not dis-assemblable, the cover will reach all the way to the plastic, but not be pushed underneath it. Since you rarely inspect the armrest from below, this shouldn't be much of an issue. :) For detailed instructions on how to glue the armrest cover on top, refer to this write-up.

Make sure it's glued evenly and wrinkle-free.

22. Now place the gold spring in position as shown on both sides.

23. This additional picture will help you ensured it's located correctly.

24. Now push silver pins into their slots and open the armrest as shown to make setting the spring easier.

25. For this part use two hands to tuck the spring into the slot shown (this takes some force and a couple tries).

26. Reinstall the rear center console piece. Make sure to remember to connect the power to the lighter socket. :)



Useful tip

You have installed a product made out of genuine leather. As you know, to maintain a leather product in good condition, you should take care of it. We suggest occasionally (every 4-6 week for example) applying some leather conditioner/UV protector to keep your leather from drying up in the sun and cracking.

Redline Automotive Accessories Corp. will not be held liable for any labor, incidental or consequential damages of any kind. Proceed at your own risk.

