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GUESS WHO’S BACK BABY! Finally picked up my 351w!!!! ??? looks amazing and I’m so excited. I did find out unfortunately I may need to change my C4 to an AOD, so still figuring that out. If you have thoughts on that matter feel free to share! ?The good news is , it’s here and I can finally get going. My goal is to finish this up by the end of year, and have it running in come November ⏰ cant wait to show y’all! Also hoping third time really is a charm ? man she’s gonna roar real pretty!!
I decided when I went for the 351w after my failed 302, that I was gonna go all out and build something that looked pretty under the hood and drove just as nice. Suffice to say, my second engine is looking beautiful I think. What do you think?
I’m prepping for the install, and forgot how tedious spark wire installation was. Purchased some from @msdperformance and some brackets to help guide the wires and keep them tucked in nice. Took two hours of wire cutting, crimping, and adjusting to finish this up. Also installed a distributor from MSD and a SS blaster coil from MSD too. Then installed an intake filter from @edelbrockusa with a phenolic spacer. Coil bracket purchased locally at @hawaiiracing . Pretty pleased with how this is looking so far and I’m anxiously awaiting hearing it fire up! ???

Nice work! Thankfully the body looked in decent shape to start with, lots of these are pretty rusty at least around here. Inspiring me to get a Mustang of my own!
Posted by stevegolf on 10/22/20 @ 11:11:58 PM

Beautiful car! and that's an excellent color. Great job bringing it back to life!
Posted by MPower on 10/12/20 @ 1:48:12 PM

Great build Isabelle!
Posted by Diggymart on 10/11/20 @ 7:30:29 PM
Great job and love the color!
Posted by DIYauto_Admin on 11/4/20 @ 2:33:40 PM