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Some small details done with TLC. I took the original seatbelts and sun visors out, both well worn and dirty. Soaked the seatbelts in hot water and dawn dish soap, about 3x to get all the dirt out. After drying I used shoe polish/leather polish - which I was unsure about at first but which ended up working well for the buckle and the fabric itself. For the sun visors I mixed a small amount of @motherspolish and shoe/leather dye from Kiwi, and slathered it on. Suffice to say they turned out well. By no means new, but by all means usable and decent enough for my stang ? hoping you are all having a nice Friday! What are you all working on with your cars this weekend? ??⚙️
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Nice work! Thankfully the body looked in decent shape to start with, lots of these are pretty rusty at least around here. Inspiring me to get a Mustang of my own!
Posted by stevegolf on 10/22/20 @ 11:11:58 PM

Beautiful car! and that's an excellent color. Great job bringing it back to life!
Posted by MPower on 10/12/20 @ 1:48:12 PM

Great build Isabelle!
Posted by Diggymart on 10/11/20 @ 7:30:29 PM
Great job and love the color!
Posted by DIYauto_Admin on 11/4/20 @ 2:33:40 PM