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Finalized all my grounds, put a little grease on em, and installed a rear valence I bought from @cjponyparts . This rear valence is definitely for a GT but whatevs. It’s black, but I’ll paint it later on when I buy new paint and do the hood. I only replaced the bulbs - kept all the old fixtures on the stang. I kinda like the mix of new and old parts. Got to finish tubing all of the electrical wiring. ? yes my exhaust tailpipes look off cuz I removed an exhaust clamp to fit the valence :) and yes I am using a cardboard tube to hold open my trunk :) and yes I have stained the shit out of my driveway :) and yes yes I really leave all my tools around like this and then wonder where things are :)
#vintagemustang #vintagecar #fordmustang #1967mustang #1967 #carrestoration #projectcar #mustang #diy #mossgreen #mustanggirl #classicmustang #fordmustangs #mustangs #classicmustang #mustang #fordmustang #ford #classiccars #classiccar #upholstery #reupholstery #leatherupholstery #mustangrestoration #girlgarage #girlswhowrench #wiring #americanautowire #lighting #taillights #cjponyparts

Nice work! Thankfully the body looked in decent shape to start with, lots of these are pretty rusty at least around here. Inspiring me to get a Mustang of my own!
Posted by stevegolf on 10/22/20 @ 11:11:58 PM

Beautiful car! and that's an excellent color. Great job bringing it back to life!
Posted by MPower on 10/12/20 @ 1:48:12 PM

Great build Isabelle!
Posted by Diggymart on 10/11/20 @ 7:30:29 PM
Great job and love the color!
Posted by DIYauto_Admin on 11/4/20 @ 2:33:40 PM