My slow build by 87GT Drop Top

By diyauto
( 2 )

3 minute(s) of a 139 minute read



I bolted on a few more things tonight.

I'm almost thinking of taking the alt & compressor off and painting them silver. What do you think?


I've did a little more work to the car. I'm getting close to having all the engine wiring done. 

I replaced some of the oil pan bolts with stud to hold the wires.

Alt wiring.

Battery and block ground

I had to take the right header off like 5 times to bang in the firewall for clearance. The last time I ripped the gasket. Now I will have to get a new set. I'm on vacation all week. I'm hoping to start it some time this week.

I got a lot accomplished today. All of the wiring for the engine is done. I just need to tighten up inside the car. I also installed the trans and driveshaft.

I couldn't decide where to mount the fan controller. I wantes it hidden buy still accessable so I could adjust the tempurature and change a fuse if need be. I ended up making the wires longer si I could bring it insde the car.
