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2 minute(s) of a 178 minute read
Frame dropped 3.5",got the bottom of the rocker to 5".What do you think low enough,too low?Ron
Cut the firewall off,getting ready to set the engine,most of the rust is gone now,but then again,so is most of the car.I'll probably start bending the cage before I fab the firewall back up.Ron
What strips?Do you mean the stripes,because they are what caught my eye when I bought the peice of crap,sexy aren't they.Ron
Set engine in ,sets about 5" into firewall.Still need to find a trans though.If I scrounge up some pedals,and a trans this thing could be moving soon.Ron

Amazing job. Especially considering it started with a $400 car!
Posted by CCmyVW on 1/26/20 @ 4:36:17 PM

Great build thanks for sharing!
Posted by Diggymart on 10/16/18 @ 12:37:15 PM
Very awesome build , but $5,000 is an unrealistic amount . But maybe you know something I don’t lol. Going to be nice when done either way!
Posted by Manny6572 on 10/10/22 @ 6:56:42 PM