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Just saw these pics on Bangshift, wish I would have taken more pics. We are always so busy at these events. Love the dust all over the tires from all my off road adventures.
Sorry, this is the last one, off the fender bender site.
I'm still completely amazed that this thread is approaching 500,000 hits, that is a 1/2 a million hits on a build that I thought wouldn't show any interest at all. If I would have known I think I would have named it better.LOL Goes to show you that its not always about the money, sometimes its just doing something alittle different. The only thing I can say is build them the way you want them, not the way everyone tells you they should be. In the end, you really need to be digging the car from concept to long after its completed(if they ever are completed). Took this thing for a cruise Saturday, what a blast, I'm still smiling.
I just saw this ad for Run to the Coast for the first time. I don't know who did the art work, but man do they have good taste in cars. I don't know why but I am strangely attracted to this ad, I think I want a poster to hang on the wall.LOL I know its not my car, but hey close enough.
Finally got this clutch pulled apart, kinda weird the pressure plate and flywheel look like they just came out of the box. The disc however is spent, it sheared all the rivets holding it together. Smeared the friction material over the holes, chewed the metal up pretty good.
Not really wanting to run a 6 puck type disc due to the fact that I have driven a lot of drag cars with them, and hate the way that they launch. Called around and found Centerforce the only company to make a regular friction clutch that would handle the Hp levels of this car. Also went with an aluminum flywheel made by Centerforce.
The install was a pain due to the Nascar style hydraulics, getting it shimmed right was a bear. Ended up removing the block spacer that I fabbed when I installed the LS7 clutch. The weight difference is about 14 lbs total between the LS7 clutch and the Centerforce. Driving is a lot different, the car launches as smooth as the LS7 clutch, but revs a lot faster.
With the bellhousing/nascar style hydraulic throwout I'm running, I'm kinda of stuck with a single disc. I could have run an iron puck style single but I hate the street manners. Could change everything out to a Tilton style, but I would be looking at several thousand dollars. In talking to all the different clutch companies, and a couple of transmission manufacturers, the twin setups generate a lot more heat in the trans when used really hard. I'll abuse this Centerforce setup, and we will see how it goes. I'm almost sure this engine will be pulled from this car, be attached to a T56 Magnum, and set down in my AMX when its done. I do think this car will end up with Ford power in it.
Its funny how exaggerated the sides look, but compared to the actual car its dead on.
That is an old picture . I made a custom nose for the car a while ago. You can see the difference here.

Amazing job. Especially considering it started with a $400 car!
Posted by CCmyVW on 1/26/20 @ 4:36:17 PM

Great build thanks for sharing!
Posted by Diggymart on 10/16/18 @ 12:37:15 PM
Very awesome build , but $5,000 is an unrealistic amount . But maybe you know something I don’t lol. Going to be nice when done either way!
Posted by Manny6572 on 10/10/22 @ 6:56:42 PM