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Thanks for the input guys, I think I've got the design nailed down and will weld up the peices this weekend. Alot of work for such a small change, but I do think it will look better. Was trying to find a fiberglass company to produce the mold, but they are all 6 to 8 weeks out, so once again I guess I'll be producing the part myself. I don't think there is one off the shelf peice in this car that hasn't had to be chopped , cut or reshaped in some way.
Comparison pics:
My mind keeps changing like this, I'm going to have to grow a vigina. Got the top of the bumper built, but I think I'm going to change the ends and put the splitter in the across the bottom, something like this.
Been crazy busy at work, haven't had much time for my nose job. Got this version tacked together,can't deside what the opening shape should be.
The splitter will attach to the bottom, the brake and radiator ducts will be in that opening.
Its all mute for us regular guys any way, to build a one off part in carbon would cost more then I'd be willing to pay. A buddy gave me a roll of glass matting, so I shouldn't have more then $150 in the thing.
Got most of the sculpting done, have to refit it to the car again, prime it a couple more times, and start spraying gelcoat, and laying fiberglass. I'll let you know how bad it is. Ron
I will probably use 2 layers for the part, and 10 or so to make the mold.
Got the gelcoat and the first coat of glass on this morning. Waxed the fabricated part multiple times, and sprayed it with PVA mold release, I hope it comes apart.
Popped the mold off of the plug this morning. Looks pretty good, just as I was told ,the PVA peeled off of there like a condom. A little sanding, and wax, and I'll start laying up the part.
Built a stand to hold it and stiffen the mold, will start making the bumper tomorrow.
Popped the bumper out of the mold tonight, have to clean up the edges and fit to the car again. Man do I have alot to do before it goes to Tenn.
As good as the mold turned out, the parts built on the outside of a part are much easier then the parts on the inside. I will need to buy some smaller fiberglass rollers for the next one I build.Was kind of a bi#ch working the matting in on those tight radius areas.
Yeah, it is higher

Amazing job. Especially considering it started with a $400 car!
Posted by CCmyVW on 1/26/20 @ 4:36:17 PM

Great build thanks for sharing!
Posted by Diggymart on 10/16/18 @ 12:37:15 PM
Very awesome build , but $5,000 is an unrealistic amount . But maybe you know something I don’t lol. Going to be nice when done either way!
Posted by Manny6572 on 10/10/22 @ 6:56:42 PM