My 998 Turbo by coopdog

By diyauto
( 1 )

2 minute(s) of a 43 minute read


Everything is done!!!!!!

Tried to get it started but I couldn't get it going:(

Gonna get my dad to help me tomorrow.

But the fuel pressure is good and the oil pressure:D

Will check the timing tomorrow with the help of my dad


Ran into another problem yesterday, the ecu gave up or I thought it had :/

Would give any spark on 2 or 4 spark plugs :/

Had the ecu checked and it all works so I've given the battery a full charge and we'll see what's going on tomorrow


It's started!!!!!

heres the start up vid:D

it got a little smoky in the garage :L


havent set the tick over or anything yet but the car moves under it own steam too which im happy about because i changed all the clutch and pressure plate for the first time!!

but i still cant use the car!!!:(


bloody typical!!!!
