Resurrecting Grandpa's Dinosaur - a rebuild story. (1963 Chrysler Imperial) by topdawag_mc4

By diyauto
( 4 )

4 minute(s) of a 137 minute read


Just to let everyone know, we're not dead, and we haven't abandoned the project. Me and Claude have both had a lot going on lately. He just got back from a month tour, I'm getting things squared away to get married in a few months. Such is the life of projects! 

Thanks again to everyone for the very kind donations, we'll continue onward as soon as we have a good couple of free days.


Hey, guys. 

As you have seen from crunknastyvdubs' posts, we've got a deadline to have this thing at it's first show, and it's soon. Sorry for my lack of involvement the last week or so. For some reason after we got our cable internet back after Isaac, I've lost access to vwvortex and it's sister sites. Anyone know of a fix?


The lowering blocks for the rear have been ordered and should be in by the end of the day. 

Hopefully everything will start coming together this weekend.


Big weekend planned. 

Wheels, tires, suspension, oh my!


Plastic over the back "seat" is the current plan.

No, seriously. That glass is nearly impossible to find. The last one we found was several hundred dollars and a couple of states away, and we don't have that kind of cash... Unless someone wants to dump a huge donation on us. 

I'm pretty confident we'll have it running, steering, and stopping by the 22nd. Our biggest concern right now is the leaky transmission, which we haven't tracked down the source to yet. 

If we can seal that up, it should make its zombie maiden voyage before the end of the month.


We finally managed to get the final stubborn tire mounted with the lighter fluid trick. It seems to be holding fine so far.

This upcoming weekend is the big one.

We have to:

-Run brake lines

-Bleed brakes

-Mount fuel cell

-Run fuel line

-Change out belts

-Put a new seal on the transmission

-Weld in floors

-Change oil

-Mount seats


Yikes. That looks like a lot more writing it down than in my mind.


2ish. crunknastyvdubs is the main force driving it, I'm involved heavily on weekends, and his dad is in and out. He helped mount the stubborn tire. Sometimes experience>youthful strong back.

We'll try to get some more video soon. We've both been crazy busy between personal doings, and this, so video editing hasn't been possible lately. I work part time to pay for gas to attend school full time, intern at a hospital part time, and getting married in 8 weeks. He's always got a pile of things to do for his band (right now getting a 2007 Mustang prepped to sell for money towards a new tour vehicle).

Regardless, we're determined to finish before the 22nd. Hopefully we don't run out of money before then. I feel lame doing this again, but if anyone would like to donate a couple bucks to go towards belts, transmission seals, plugs, wires, fluids, filters, brake and fuel lines, and miscellaneous items, here's the link:


Remember, you'll get your name painted on the trunklid for all to see. So when someone asks us, "hey, who is Lwize?" We'll say, "he's from the internet."

But seriously, I'm excited to get reactions from people, especially when they find out "total" strangers from the internet helped pull the project together. It's going to be awesome.


I remember watching this car come together, such classic lines.

Posted by MPower on 10/12/20 @ 2:16:51 PM

Great name Grandpa’s Dinosaur!

Posted by Diggymart on 10/11/20 @ 2:03:57 AM

Great name Grandpa’s Dinosaur!

Posted by Diggymart on 10/11/20 @ 2:03:55 AM