2JZ SC300 Rebuild by drifterx27

By diyauto
( 2 )

2 minute(s) of a 136 minute read




Got some things in today. The TRD oil cap is hot fire. Also got in the valve cover gaskets and water neck gasket. 

Also bought 2 bottles of the Royal Purple Manual Transmission fluid. And got in some more bolts from Toyota. I would like to have the engine finished by next weekend. Hopefully I won't need any more bolts.


Got the valve covers back from Sharp Hydrographix. They look great. The TRD cap is an excellent touch too I think. It will be on the car shortly.

Also connected the shift lever and linkage connected, and topped off the transmission fluid. Now I can sit in the car and throw around gears like a fool. So everything under the car is connected or bolted in, except for the speed sensor connector on the trans. I will connect it when I get the harness routed in the engine bay. I will continue connecting stuff up. Fuel pressure regulator is next and whatever little mounts in the engine. 

Did I say this valve cover is tits?
