From stock to VIP build in about a month by stanced

By diyauto
( 2 )

2 minute(s) of a 34 minute read


^^ they are 8000K. they look like they have more of a blueish tint than 8000k but i like them.. Bright as hell also.


Some high res my buddy shot for me with C12 productions

Macintosh HD:Users:nickbalistreri:Desktop:339169_273522719344440_168591713170875_997350_1751314548_o.jpg

Macintosh HD:Users:nickbalistreri:Desktop:336676_274638515899527_168591713170875_1002550_77706163_o.jpg

Macintosh HD:Users:nickbalistreri:Desktop:330715_274202719276440_168591713170875_1000625_120430855_o.jpg

Macintosh HD:Users:nickbalistreri:Desktop:326569_273523516011027_168591713170875_997355_1909103397_o.jpg

Macintosh HD:Users:nickbalistreri:Desktop:286549_273523252677720_168591713170875_997353_1027613740_o.jpg

rear is actual drive height and the front tucks the top of the tire when i drive. I lift it all the way up when I get out my drive way thank god for bags

lol, I have a bunch of trophies from my white IS300 so a shelf will def be needed now..

I have bags on both rear and front and trying to see if i can get the ride height i want with coils so i can get some trunk space back.. My rear arms were just ordered. gotta se how much rear lip i can tuck. right now I like it though due to less camber wear on my tires especially with a 20x11 on a 265 wide tire!
