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Take a ride with me
awhile ago i had started to hear this real subtle noise. when my windows were up it almost sounded like there was a Jet flying high above.
I could only hear it once i got up to about 35mph and it got louder when i turned left and quieter when i turn right.
My initial thought was wheel bearing onthe front right.
So i jacked it up to get the front wheels off the ground and grabbed the wheel at 12 and 6 and did the wiggle test. but it felt fine. then i tried the same on the drivers side wheel and it had a little bit of movement.
Using good ol' rock auto online, i ordered 2 new new full hub assemblies. they didnt cost much more than the bearings themselves so i figured it wouldnt hurt.
My Dad helped me with it and the first wheel took like 3 hours (due to misleading youtube videos i watched) and the second only took anout a half hour to remove.
If i recall it was only like 2 14mm holding the caliper on and then an 11mm to remove the ABS sensor. Then a ton of pounding and banging and pulling to get the old ones off.
found out our bearings had to actually be pressed at a machine shop. Met a great guy named "RC" at the local Yuma NAPA and i can't even explain what an amazing job they did. I believe they charged $40 for each, but when you see how well they did it and painted and cleaned the heck out of the old ones i couldnt believe it. They looked like new!
They went on very easy now that i knew the right way i had to remove them. Had them both back on within an hour or so.
Thats it for now. She's still running strong as ever. I STILL say hands down best all around bulletproof car i have ever owned.
Leave you with a few new sunset pics...
Current stage... Before/After
I'm still here. and i still got her. she still runs great and hasnt really needed ANY maintenance since i did the hubs. Pics!
thanks man. it's actually the same color teal as my other car
Hope you all been well. i'm still here and she is still running strong!
i actually had a check engine light and had to replace the #8 ignition coil which was pretty easy. Pull the strut bar, pull the cover, 2 screws in and out. Done
Here's why i been busy.
New project: '03 Denali
Current stage:
Sorry guys. Hate to inform you, but i Sold my baby today. I just simply didn't have a need for 3 vehicles anymore, but she went to a good home.
Who know's, maybe she will pop back up in this forum again one day.
She was such a wonderful platform, i may even get another one in the future down the road.
Thanks for all the comments, tips and comradery at ClubLexus!

Fantastic Account! And nice tasteful stuff. How is she,,?
Posted by Arussto on 1/28/19 @ 12:28:21 AM
Great story! Thanks for the videos love the Ford too. What a beauty! Had to chuckle at your neighbor and lead foot comment. ???? thanks for sharing it’s ????????????
Posted by Diggymart on 1/28/19 @ 2:41:10 AM