Twin Turbo Skylark 350 Progress by sean Buick 76

By diyauto
( 2 )

3 minute(s) of a 265 minute read


$40 in hardware and cable:


I had to take a break from working on the Skylark so that I could whip the garage and backyard shop into order... I needed to make my garage a functional place to work, and I needed to build lot of shelving and workbench space as well as free up some floor space so just to show you guys I have been busy here are some before and after shots:

This was the mess I was starting with, no room to work that is for sure (before picture):

View looking down to show that the engines are for the most part out of the way:

Out in the back yard wood shop I added another shelf 53" by 12" shelf at the upper part of the garage on the left. I need to center it between the supports, but it is 1.5" thick:

Added a drill press:

After adding more storage in the Shed I felt like the garage deserved a huge 4X8 hanging loft over the garage door. I just need to wait till I have a 11" wide by 48" long 3/4" plywood to complete the end:

Before picture of this corner:

The progress I have made in this corner:

The Garage heater was added a few months back and that will come in handy this winter!!!!

Now I can get back to work on de-greasing and prepping the Skylark for painting the underside and engine bay... Then I can start putting the car back together!
