- In the case of this method, the only parts I used were the strut and spring spacers. The spacers also came with hardware that will be mentioned in the how-to write up and video.
- Pry bar
- Needle nose pliers
- Flat head screwdriver
- Punch
- Sledge hammer
- Breaker bar
- Torque wrenches
- 13, 15, 16, 17, 18mm wrenches
- 1/2 ratchet
- Extensions
- 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21mm sockets
- 1 1/16 socket
- Strut spring tool (optional)
- Impact gun (optional)
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I like to make written instructions for all my videos, but in the case of this particular one, it's probably best to watch as opposed to read. That being said, I'll still give an overview below. It's not going to be as detailed as the video, so even if you like written instructions, I think it's still a good idea to check out the video.
To start out, this is not my method, I'm following the method from Adam Nonis on SwedeSpeed and making my own DIY for it. If you want to check out that original post, follow this link - https://www.swedespeed.com/threads/lifting-your-p80-v70r-v70xc-v70-awd.637354/ This will definitely work for AWD, XC, and R models, I'm not sure about FWD models.
1. The front suspension is fairly straightforward since it's a typical design (unlike the rear). Start by removing the front strut assembly from the car.
2. Once out of the car, remove the upper strut bearing. On these cars, there is a secondary nut holding the spring on, so the strut bearing can be removed/replaced without any danger of the spring flying off.
3. With the strut bearing off, knock out the studs. These will be replaced with the new longer hardware.
4. Bolt the spacer to the strut mount. The bolts should be tight, but don't crank them down so much you damage things. After all, the spacer will be sandwiched tight between the strut mount and tower.
5. From there, bolt your strut assembly back into the car.
The rear gave me the most trouble, and is why I suggest watching the video, and rate this at a medium difficulty. I don't have experience with multi-link rear suspension, which is probably why I struggled with it. If you have experience with the rear AWD suspension on these cars, or multi-link in general, this may come easier to you.
6. Start with the rear by unbolting the shocks from the body. The bolts for that are accessed under the floor of the cargo area.
7. Un-bolt the sway bar from the lower arm
8. Disconnect the bolt that connects the lower arm to the knuckle. This is a splined bolt, so you actually loosen the nut, and then hammer the bolt out.
9. Loosen the bolt holding the leading arm to lower arm.
10. Move to in front of the wheel to remove the jacking point and bolts that hold the leading arm to the body.
11. At this point the rear spring should be free to come out.
12. Remove the lower spring seat, and be sure to clean out the cup it sits in.
13. Install the spacer, and the spring seat on top of the spacer.
From there, its time for reassembly. It wasn't impossible, but it gave me a run for my money. There are a lot of different parts to line up all at the same time to get it back together. This part is much easier explained in the video than I can write it out.
Thanks for reading, I hope it helped! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave it here or the YouTube video as I check both.

I haven't done some serious off-roading yet, but I've been down some rough seasonal roads and a few construction areas. I'm looking forward to taking it out this winter and seeing how it handles the snow!
Posted by Steves Garage on 10/11/21 @ 3:08:27 PM
Nice video! Bet thats a fun little off-road rig.
Posted by miatamatt on 10/10/21 @ 7:29:48 PM