MK4 VW 1.8t Oil Pan & Pickup Tube Replacement

Vehicle: 2002 VW Jetta Wagon
Time/Difficulty: Couple Hours / Moderate Difficulty
Parts Needed:
  • Oil Pan Silicone (I used Dirko HT)
  • Pickup Tube and O-Ring
Tools Needed:
  • 16mm socket
  • 10mm socket
  • 5mm allen (ball head recommended)
  • ratchet and extension
  • 10mm wrench
  • torque wrench
  • impact gun or breaker bar
By Steves Garage

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1 minute read

In the video I remove and install the oil pan and pickup tube on a VW MK4 1.8t engine. The particular engine I'm working on is an AWP 1.8t, so the 180 hp version. My car also has single piece aluminum oil pan, NOT the hybrid two piece. The hybrid oil pan is the same basic idea of removal and install, but will look different.

Start by draining the oil. You don't have to, but it will make your life a lot easier dropping an empty pan than a full one.

1} There are two 10mm bolts holding the oil return line to the oil pan. I suggest replacing the oil return line if you're here doing the pan.
2) Remove the 3 16mm bolts that hold the oil pan to the bell housing. A breaker bar or impact gun will come in handy here.
3) There are 20 bolts holding the pan to block. They're a 10mm socket or 5mm allen driver. In some cases a ball head allen driver is easier to access the bolts than a socket. I cracked each bolt loose to slowly lower the pan, but even then the pan was stuck to the block. I had to use a pry bar to pop it off. You may experience the same thing if you're in a rust prone area. Just be sure to use caution when prying as you don't want to damage any aluminum surfaces.
4) With the oil pan out of the way, you can access the pickup tube, It uses the same 5mm allen or 10mm socket as the pan does.
5) Install the new o-ring on the pickup tube, and install it back into place. The torque spec is 132 in/lbs or 11 ft/lbs. Being that the value is so low, I didn't want to risk over-tightening it which is why I recommend using a torque wrench.
6) Before installing the oil pan, you want to make sure the mating surface is clean on both the block and oil pan. It is aluminum, so use caution. Use a plastic scraper or wise brush to clean up any corrosion or left over sealant.
7) Now it's time to apply sealant to the pan. Driko HT sets up in roughly 30 minutes, so be sure you're ready to go when you do this. The VW Bentley manual calls for a 2-3mm bead of sealant around the entire pan. If you use too much it can squeeze out into the pan clogging the pickup tube. Too little and you risk the pan leaking.
8) Install the 10mm bolts from the pan to the block first. Snug them up diagonally, but don't torque them down.
9) Install the 16mm bell housing bolts - again snug but not tight.
10) With all the bolts installed you can torque the pan bolts to 100 ft/lbs and the bell housing bolts to 33 ft/lbs
11) Bolt the oil return line back up, as well as installing your drain plug. Once 30 minutes has passed you can add oil.

From there you can start the car and keep an eye out for leaks. A problem would probably present itself pretty early on, but I'd inspect things until you reach your oil change interval. If you have any questions feel free to leave them here or on the YouTube video. Thanks for checking out my tutorial!
