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6 minute(s) of a 86 minute read
Sorry for a lack of pics. I was mostly too pissed off to think about taking any.
Put my new slave in to replace the leaky bitch one.
What a PITA.
After going thru hell to bleed it before without a pressure bleeder, I bought one today before starting.
I honestly think it didnt help because it actually took me longer this time and made more of a mess.
There's something more annoying about this o2j stuff over the o2a. Not sure why its so much harder to bleed.
Anyway, its done but I REALLY wish I had been able to source the cable clutch stuff. These VW hydro set ups suck IMO and are not superior in any way over the cable.
Got the exhaust welded all up and by that time I was tired and in pain so I quit.
At this point I need to install my cluster, add coolant, get off jackstands and try to drive.
Will do that all soon.
Probably will be Thursday or Friday though and will shoot video.
Been a real frustrating evening/afternoon.
I had planned to drive the car but no luck.
Even though the car ran before Im having an electrical issue.
If I hook up the battery at all the fuel pump runs even with the key off.
If I unplug the ignition switch the fuel pump still runs.
If I unplug the ECU the fuel pump still runs.
If I unplug the fuel pump relay the fuel pump still runs.
If I unplug the ground for the fuse box the fuel pump still runs.
If I unplug everything from the fuse box (except the fuel pump plug) the fuel pump still runs.
The only thing that will make the pump stop running is to unplug it from the fuse box or disconnect the battery.
At this point it seems like something inside the fuse box. Since the car ran a few weeks ago the fuse box has sat mounted inside the car so I cant imagine how it could have a problem.
Because I dont know what else to do I am going to the junkyard in the morning to try to score a CE2 fuse box to test in place of this one.
I know that will be a wasted trip. I just cant believe the box would have an issue.
I mean have you ever taken one of these boxes apart? There is nothing that can fail in there.
The only possibility is that a piece of wire has dropped thru the cracks inside and is causing a short. x1000
V dub
Posted by Diggymart on 12/17/21 @ 8:18:50 PM