Project Build: sc2020 - MK3 G60 - By sdezego

By stevegolf
( 1 )

5 minute(s) of a 278 minute read


Head Modifications progression recap. (Before-During-After)

- Welded and block 3 rear oil drains

- Welded and re-machined 2 rear corner drains

- Welded and re-machined Front left Oil Drain

- Bridge welded rear head to cyls and modified rear cooling circuits

- Welded material on rear of head to interconnect Oil Drains that were blocked off to each corner drain via Drilled oil galleys

- welded and redrilled head dowel Line up holes

Before and after:

Now that the head modifications are pretty much done on to other head work 


Edit: I should add, the left two intake ports are unmodified in that pic. Look at the transitions to the bowl area. If the head flows as well as it does stock, imagine what it will do with a little port work.

March 20, 2007

Thanks guys! If there were 30hrs in the day life would be good

Too many projects that are taking precedence which is why there is not much progress in the last few weeks

Like this one for example (Not related to this build).

April 04, 2007

Just too damn busy in general. I spent the last 36hrs alone in Tax preparation hell

And, as usual, other people stuff takes precedence over my own. But that is done and here are some pics of some 8v love (full thread to come).

...Letting the owner do the fine finishing inside if desired.





However, with all that said, last weekend I made good progress on the head and have all of the intake ports ported (Yes all 12 of them :bandhead: ). Not all polished yet, but I will take some update pics.

I am also questioning my Trans heavily and am seriously thinking about an 02m with maybe a 3.94 of 4.11 'ish Ring and Pinion. I hate the G60 gearing. I just need to find someone that will either make some form of a trade trade for my Silver Corrado or buy it outright, etc.


I am most certainly considering that as an option. Unfortunately, I sold the Vr trans that I had as part of the swap Might need to look what I can get the gears for. In addition, if I stay 5spd, I definitely want a .72ish 5th. I miss that from my Turbo Scirocco.

..the 02m though, adds just enough complications that could quench my OCD briefly Realistically, the 02a with Vr gears makes the most sense.

LSD is happening regardless of the choice. 

April 23, 2007

haha, yea no doubt. I have some updated pics that I need to post, but was hoping to get all of the PnP finished...

As it stands, everything is now ported. I just need to sand and then polish. 

Thanks Frank. Actually, I really respect your opinion and experience with the different gearing on the G60 and 2L stroke. We had even discussed it a couple of times as you may recall, and if it weren't for that, the decision would be final to do away with the ATA. Your experience with it on the 2L, is really making the decision hard.

I still have time before I need to make a final decision on the gearing, so I need to do some more figuring and research. I had an AYL and sold it, but don't really know how noticeable the small difference is between the ATA.

I really want to go 02m for a few reasons:

- The gearbox is built to withstand a lot of punishment from the get go.

- they generally have much less wear than any 02a. Even mine which was well taken car of.

- The gear changes seem so much more refined on the 02m than on the 02a. This is the big one. I figured I could play with the final drive if I had to make some adjustments. Adding a shift weight on the ATA may help quite a bit, but after knocking through the gears on an 02m, I was all smiles.

I already have a brand new Light Eurospec steel Flywheel, new Vr PP and clutch awaiting, so I might just bite the bullet and buy the peloquin for the 02a and call it a day. 1st gear just really disturbs me on the ATA as you are in and out of it so quickly. Maybe it will be better as you cay on the longer stroke.

We'll see and thanks!

