'94 TT - Summer Build by Patrick94TT

By diyauto
( 1 )

2 minute(s) of a 22 minute read


Pictures from today!! Used the "take one turbo off, then the whole manifold" method and it worked like a charm. And the 14mm ratchet wrench was SO FUCKING WORTH the $18 I paid for it. This was over a matter of 5 hours:

Here's with the first turbo off:

Removing the upper part of the intake manifold:

A picture of the upper intake manifold removed as well as one turbo:

And both turbos out, exhaust manifold out, and upper intake manifold out:

Boxes full of parts we've taken off. Everything you see there includes turbo assembly, upper intake manifold, all the turbo intake pipes, turbo oil/coolant feed/return lines, and a few random fucking pieces:

Now my question is, how the hell do you get the last three bolts holding the lower intake runners? I don't want to take off the fuel rail separately, and I know you can take it off in one piece (runners and fuel rail/injectors), but it seems like my TRAC assembly and wiring harness are in the way, making the last three bolts closest back to the firewall absolutely impossible to get out. Anyone have any pointers?
