Build Or DIE Trying! a 1993 FD story by Tem120

By diyauto
( 1 )

4 minute(s) of a 128 minute read



damn I dont even remember how long its been , 

WELL updates I finally Completed my rotating assembly and sent it off to get balanced . 

exedy HP pressure plate , ACT unsprung 4 puck cltuch , Racing beat light weight flywheel , stock rotors , and E shaft . 

everything is ready 

Also ordered some Housings from a forum member they come with racing beat exhaust ports . 

Just waiting for them to arrive haha . after that all thats left is the... apex seals / gasket set.


A little update , I was cleaning out the turbos and painting the exhaust when i noticed that the primary turbo had quite a bit of shaftplay compared to the secondary . looked like the fins were just about to graze the turbo housings ... so another setback , but maybe its a blessing in disguise . may be a couple more weeks . but I'm gonna try and find a set of N3G1 turbos I hate sidegrading . and the 99 spec N3G1 turbo's have been my goal since I first got the car. 

so if anyone happens to have one they wanna sell hah let me know!


Alright , so a small update.. Got new turbos .. thanks to SMG Racing ! 

And housings are on the way both should be here tomorrow infact. 

Also CR7684 My engine builder sent the rotating assembly for my motor to get balanced . 

no pictures yet. But small update!


Rotating assembly is READY FOR pick up! Turbos arrived , housings arrived . everything is finally coming together . even got that fuse I blew!


last one came out really blurry , But well I'm gonna port them today . so I should have some better pics

Well Got to work porting the waste gates on the new turbos

finally you can see the N3G1 

on the table ready to disassemble

Unhooking the bra.. 

I'm upset I forgot ot take a picture of this side when it was finished .ported it upwards so the flap opens up more . 

And here is the ported waste gate to 1.25 inches

and back together goes humpty this is my second time porting waste gates I think this one came out alot better I spent alot more time and made sure everything came out well .. so we'll see in a couple of weeks what the results are like 
