85 UR quattro

( 4 )

6 minute(s) of a 211 minute read


Much progress today:

Painted the heat shield and installed it. Yep, went with silver for more heat reflectance.

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Replaced the seals in the transmission while the paint was drying.

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Installed the exhaust manifold and turbo.

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and the down pipe.

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I tried to install the waste gate but I'm going to need new studs. They don't semm to have part numbers though. How do I order them?


I had a very productive afternoon then suffered what may or may not be a major setback. Read on.

I installed the intake manifold.

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engine mounts

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Then was installing the chains to lift it off the engine stand when it suddenly spun over and knocked off the down pipe!

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As you might imagine I was quite devastated but upon inspection I think I may be alight. There's a slip fit and a weld just after the turbo which is where it broke. I think I can get it welded back together. The orientation is critical though so I left the rest of it bolted to the turbo. I'm going to wait till I get the hardware for the wastgate, dry fit it all then mark the orientation before having someone weld it up. Hopefully.

I had a cup of tea then carried on. Installed the flywheel next

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then the clutch

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followed by the clutch release bearing

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Fortunately I got my chain lengths just right so they lined up pretty well.

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and slid together without much of a fight.

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I checked the timing marks and it was spot on

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so put the timing cover on for the first time since I have owned the car.

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So, I have now bolted together as many parts as I could and so I'm going to take a break for a few weeks while I fix the transmissionin my 911. More broken German stuff!


OK, so a few weeks turned into a few months. It happens. Would really like to drive it this summer so cracking on. Today replacing the prop shaft seal.

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Once this is back together this is all that's left on my list:

15Rear trans seal 

16Refurb power steering system

17Refurb CIS

18Clean engine bay

19Replace brake line

20Refurb strut tops

21Fix down pipe

22Install waste gate

23Trans oil

24Attach subframe

25Install engine, trans, sub frame

26Reconnect ancillaries

27Fire up

28Test drive


Piece of cake.


Replacing the diff lock actuator today I managed to brake the clip that attaches it to the actuator rod. NLA but ECS say they have one. We will see.

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I'm thinking the next phase should be to refurbish the hydraulic system before I pt the engine back in. It powers the steering and brakes and seems to be wet in its entirety. What is typically replaced. Should I refurbish the steering rack too?

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I was going to replace the rear brake line yesterday then this happened.

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So I said F-it and went to the track instead. I did come back later and straightened my spool of exotic Audi brake line.

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Need to make it look like this somehow:

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I guess i'm going to need some new tools; and a new tool box.


Thanks for sharing. I've owned two Audi's and they were great cars!

Posted by Diggymart on 12/10/18 @ 8:20:16 PM