pete25r's bugeye progress by pete25r

By pete25r
( 6 )

3 minute(s) of a 160 minute read


flash and dash

So I've been real lazy working on my tune as of late. Been real snowy/icy out too. I have been studying some logs and adjusting my map. I found out why I had so much knock in the lower rpm/load. Lesson learned, double check your work, don't rush and never say "I'll fix that tomorrow.." unless you really will. I get sidetracked to easy for that.. stupid me being easily distracted. 

Anyway, polished up my map, flashed it, logged it. Good stuff so far. Only random feedback knock and I know I have a bolt missing on my downpipe. The bolt the holds it to the frame near the tranny dropped up a while ago. Me being lazy again haven't fixed it yet. Need to find a replacement bolt.

Here's a log of my latest map, just for funnzies...

I need to log more. Didn't really drive it through its paces yet. This is just a general errand run log, some around the neighborhood and some near highway speeds. Quite a few stop lights too. Oh the fun...


I did my taxes in late January. I got my return today!

Well most of it. Some of it is held up in the "backordered" process. Stupid IRS, I doubled checked my numbers.


I cracked open the box to check it out. It was heavy-ish and cold. Shiny. 

I had wood for a few hours.

The build quality looks awesome. Only detraction of awesomeness on the build quality was some black residue left over from where they welded the endtankss on. That's being super nit-picky though. They are cranking them things out.

I've gotta wait a little while before I install. I don't have a decent Y-pipe for it yet(backordered). I also have a JDM bugeye scoop coming in. Need to see how good the stock splitter matches up and all that.

What's in the small box in the pic is some front/rear Stop Tech SS brake lines and a rattle can of WRB for JDM scoop.

Install me pile has grown. 

TIC diff and outrigger bushings have been collecting dust. It's been to cold for me to get unlazy. Someday soon though. I need to flush my tranny and diff, maybe then I'll slap the bushings on. I do have access to a press so hopefully I won't have to bend up that support bar by stepping on it.



A nice TMIC and exhaust is what the docotor ordered. Used parts are cool. I couldn't find any and had return money burning a hole in my pocket. I was quite happy with my return this year. I was able to put a big chunk in savings, blow some on shiny parts and earmark some of it for the wife to blow through with her hobbies.

Now we just need some splitters and other smaller parts, some warmer weather and it's game on!


Thanks pete25r! Ive transferred the thread over to you. Update at your convenience.

Posted by diyauto on 1/1/23 @ 1:05:58 PM

Wow. I think some of the pictures are broken on the clubwrx thread. I'm still tinkering away at it. Might have something worthy of adding as an update sometime soon.

Posted by pete25r on 1/1/23 @ 4:54:10 AM

Thanks for the update!

Posted by Diggymart on 12/7/20 @ 2:33:12 PM

Love bugeyes

Posted by diyauto on 10/11/20 @ 7:27:45 PM

Great detail!

Posted by Diggymart on 9/7/19 @ 3:42:43 PM