EugeneUtopia's 2010 FXT Project by EugeneUtopia

By diyauto
( 4 )

4 minute(s) of a 158 minute read



A few pictures from the recent trip to Spokane


I had a great time at the Big Northwest Subaru Meet!


I'm surprised I didn't post the video of the axle breaking here...


Pulled the Blouch 2.5 XT-r turbo. It's got 60,000+ miles on it and it's starting to show signs of wear, in the form of gray/white smoke coming out of the exhaust under hard acceleration. The inlet side is clean, but the exhaust side has lots of deposits on it. The is a tiny bit of in-out play, but it's not horrible by any means. I don't want it to get any worse, as it's not bad right now. It's going to get sent off to Blouch for a rebuild, and then I'll sell it. Of course, if anyone wants to buy it as is, you're welcome to. Shoot me a private message. I'll only discuss $ via PM.

Chase @ Tier1 is lending me his Blouch 1.5 XT-r turbo to use until the replacement turbo arrives. I'm running the economy tune that Lance Lucas made for the 2.5XT-r, which sucks with this turbo BTW (to be expected), but it's running and it's safe.

The 2.5XT-r will be replaced with an EFR 7670, which I have already, and it's SOOO nice. Fantastic piece of turbo technology. It's not getting installed because the turbine housing that will be used with it has some issues and is being retooled and then manufactured. Last I heard from the manufacturer (Treadstone), they were about two weeks out. I can't wait for that!

When the EFR7670 is installed, I'll be changing out to a rotated setup, which means new uppipe, downpipe and inlet. The current Invidia HS08SW1DPN Catless Downpipe, Grimmspeed GRM 003001 Uppipe and inlet will all be for sale as well, once the new setup is rolling. A machinist/fabricator in Ellensburg, WA by the name of Garris will design a kit FROM SCRATCH, and manufacture the pipes & inlet.

I also installed the Perrin Pitch Mount that COBB Surgeline tried to install, but said was the wrong size (which was true). I had to drill out the bracket that mounts to the top of the 6-speed transmission. It didn't extend far enough back, and the Perrin unit was about 3mm too short to fit directly.

The 2015 STI steering rack was ordered and installed as well. Such a difference. No steering wheel play like it had before, and a much firmer feel, not to mention easier and tighter steering response.

Lastly, for giggles, I put my OEM mufflers back on the car, to hear how it sounded. I still have the Q300 midpipe, so the OEM mufflers were fabricated to fit that layout (A while back when the Q300 mufflers were replaced by the generic mufflers it's had for the last few years). The car is very quiet now, but with the steering feel change and the exhaust note change, it's like driving a different, unfamiliar, car. I'll put the generic mufflers back on when I have some time.

the housing for my new turbo is manufactured.


Looks like a fun little sleeper!

Posted by MPower on 10/12/20 @ 2:03:01 PM