911 Carrera RallyCross Project

( 5 )

5 minute(s) of a 245 minute read


We took the car to the monthly Detroit RallyCross this time held at I96 Speedway in Lake Odessa. This has a clay based surface which, when wet is like ice but when dry is like tarmac, complete with tire squealing. To make life complicated the track owner insisted on watering the coarse between groups to keep the dust down as the local pig farmer is apt to complain. This made the first couple of runs quite interesting but once the coarse dried out the key was keeping up with the increasing amounts of grip.

Fortunately, despite a few cones (due to the water) we secured first and second places again so our 100% record is in tact.

Here are some pictures and videos mostly courtesy of one Brain Thorpe:


So the next RallyCross is looming and it's an afternoon and nighttime affair which means LIGHTS. We've had the light pod on and off for a few months but have never got the lights mounted in it properly because, well, it's complicated. Not really, just need the right hardware. Thanks to Will at Rallylights.com we sourced nut plates, screws, rivets and springs for mounting Hella 2000s to light pods. Will told us our lights are older than our car but we can still get parts and lamps for them. Even so we ordered 120% of everything just in case.

We had already cut the holes so just needed to figure out where to rivet the nut plates.

They stick out a little more than expected. Maybe we can recess them some later. At least so we can get the cover over them.

And done. Two 100W spots in the middle and two 100W driving lights either side.

Next we had to provide them some electrons. We used trailer wire harness because it comes as a flat ribbon and has flat plugs.

Then we wired two 20A relays to the battery and switched them off the main beam fuse for now. We'll wire in one or two switches later once we find a spot for them. We will also tidy up this wiring mess.

They look at home on the hood and period correct.

Our 911 was recently featured on Winding Road Magazine's YouTube Channel. Enjoy.


It dos sound nice I must admit. Exhaust is stock apart from a Fabspeed muffler delete.

With the Prepared RWD class secured there was nothing holding us back from removing those big and heavy rear bumper over-riders from the car.

It's a bit rough looking with all the holes and we still need to illuminate the plate (later) but still, 17lbs saved and it looks "cleaner"?

Weight loss can be addictive and now we are into Modified Rear class we can go nuts. So, another 11lbs saved:

and then another 14lbs:

and what does all this weight loss get you?

only by 8 seconds this time with a lot more competition. 2014 is going to be fun.


Wow what a build! Thanks for sharing!

Posted by Diggymart on 1/7/19 @ 3:39:29 PM