911 Carrera RallyCross Project

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3 minute(s) of a 245 minute read


But before the autocross a few other items to take care of. Parade is a very busy week and you can't do everything, not even close. We signed up to instruct at the Street Survival course Wednesday morning. We've done a few of these now and find them very rewarding. The people we train also share the road with us so from a purely selfish point of view very useful too.

Wednesday afternoon we spent a very entertaining couple of hours with David S. Wallens from Grassroots Motorsport Magazine shooting the breeze about older 911s. GRM has a similar car to ours that they are running stock to show their readers that you can have affordable fun in a Porsche. David and I had some "fun" in ours in a gravel lot we found nearby but before that he took some pictures in clean-mode.

With all the activities going on, not the least manning or display, it was quite late when we finally got all loaded up for the autocross. The autocross took place at the Beach Bums Stadium outside of Traverse City. I think the Beam Bums are TC's minor league baseball team. PCA do things a little different to SCCA but the event ran very smoothly and we got five runs instead of our usual three so that was a bonus.

We managed second in class which surprised us no end as the car is not really setup for autocross and this was only our second one. To be fair we only had one fast run with all the others being in the 6-7th place times. Still, it only takes one and we didn't hit any cones all day

Friday was pack up the display, check out of our condo then spend the rest of the day in seminars before heading of to Grattan for the High Performance Drivers Education event hosted by the RSR division. FUN!


The final phase of our Porsche Parade adventure was the High Performance Driving Education event put on by the RSR region of the PCA. The event was held over Saturday and Sunday at Grattan Raceway near Grand Rapids, about 3 hours south of Traverse City.

The weather on the way down Friday looked a bit ominous but cleared up for the weekend with only one damp session:

All set up and ready to go

Grattan is a challenging track with many blind apexes and elevation changes

But our instructor, Christopher de Graffenried is one of the best.

Apparently the car leans a lot under hard cornering

which may explain this:

Brake dust on Plasti-dip


Wow what a build! Thanks for sharing!

Posted by Diggymart on 1/7/19 @ 3:39:29 PM