911 Carrera RallyCross Project

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3 minute(s) of a 245 minute read


After the RallyCross we took off up I75 headed for Traverse City and the week long Porsche Parade, the Porsche Club's annual convention if you like. We only got 20 miles before the RALIVAN cried foul and slowed to a crawl while making a loud exhaust noise from under the cab. After a few phone calls and about 100 miles of 50mph crawling we found an Autozone and pulled in for a code reading.

As suspected we had a boost leak. The computer shuts it down by opening the waste gate so it just runs normally aspirated and slow. We limped into Traverse City around 7pm instead the anticipated 5pm.

As we were too late to check in for Parade on Sunday and with the concours being at 8am, too early to check in, we couldn't get the car into the concours at all. Seemed a bit silly as we'd paid and were physically there on time but whatever. We parked the car in a conspicuous spot and went off to breakfast in a huff.

When we came back we dd find a treat in the form of an authentic Rothmans SC/RS sporting one of only two light pods at the entire Parade! Excited again we went off and set up our display.

Unfortunately we had to miss the TSD rally on Tuesday morning because the car was sick. After the last run on Saturday it developed a high idle as in 2000rpm high. Not knowing what the cause was we thought it prudent not to drive it and try to fix it before the autocross on Thursday. We also broke the passenger door handle and the rear view mirror fell off! Oh, and we now have a small oil leak from the front main seal area.

We found this small vacuum hose flopping around behind the throttle body but replacing it didn't make any difference

So we took of the idle air control valve and sprayed carb cleaner through it. A lot of carb cleaner.

Fortunately, that seemed to fix it. At least for now.

So at least we should be able to run the autocross on Thursday. Stay tuned.


Wow what a build! Thanks for sharing!

Posted by Diggymart on 1/7/19 @ 3:39:29 PM