911 Carrera RallyCross Project

( 5 )

4 minute(s) of a 245 minute read


You'd think we'd be crazy busy working on the car prepping it for the Porsche Parade in 10 days. Well, we have been crazy busy but keeping up with wheel sales instead so the car my not be quite as we'd like it to be when we get to Traverse City. It will work; just wont have it's new livery perhaps. We have worked on a few things though. Mostly small issues. The PC680 battery we put in had to be replaced. The one on our parts shelf proved to be less than pristine, probably how it got on the parts shelf. Now it starts every time again.

At the last RallyCross the car popped out of second gear twice on me. Didn't do it for Scott though. On our Subaru when this happened replacing the transmission mount was the fix so we popped out the two rears on the 911 and found almost new Club Sport mounts.

That's good because we don't need to replace them but bad because we haven't found the cause of the problem. Of course the front mounts could be bad but we have a car stuck on the hoist so haven't been able to get under the 911 yet. Let's assume they are good and move on. A little research suggested that worn shifter bushings could cause it to pop out of gears and are a common wear items so we ordered some new ones from Pelican along with some new brake lines (later).

The rear coupling was easy to find and soon came out.

It definitely had some play both side to side and along its axis

Soon dismantled it and put in the new Delrin bushings

We were a bit disappointed to find that the holes in the new bushings were as ovalised as the old ones but at least the side to side play has gone. More research suggested that this is a "design feature". We may have to source some after market round hole versions later.

On to the front bushings. The console was a complete PITA to disassemble. Took an hour to figure out and ten minutes to put it back together.

Got there eventually then removed the lever form the tunnel. We replaced both the bushing on the end of the lever and on the rod support

We applied some grease to the lever mechanicals then installed this modification

Yep, that's a rubber band. I never liked how the lever flops around in neutral so thought this might help.

So what did we achieve? Well, at least with the gear box cold the shifting felt a little smoother but it is still not super slick. I suspect the bushings were replaced in the somewhat recent past. None of them seemed desperately worn and there were paint marks in the coupling to indicate how it was positioned. Have we fixed the popping out of gear problem? The next RallyCross will tell us but we did notice that in second and fourth gears the shift lever was all the way back against the gate. I suspect this was why it popped out. We forgot to take a picture of this but when we put it back together we made sure it had some clearance. Time will tell I guess. Stay tuned.


Wow what a build! Thanks for sharing!

Posted by Diggymart on 1/7/19 @ 3:39:29 PM