Pics & Review of My Bilstein PSS10 Lowered Red Turbo by cannga

By diyauto
( 4 )

3 minute(s) of a 612 minute read



Hey guys, thanks for the encouragement & kind words. I really have spent way too much time reading, testing, probing (the vendors who don't like to talk :-)), and learning from others; it feels very good to have the result recognized by fellow Porsche nuts.

As mentioned in the other forum, I am definitely coming towards the end of modding my suspension; from now on it's more or less tinkering about for the sake of playing around, as the key work has been done (I think -- grin). As you could tell, despite of much "talking," the changes I've made are rather conservative and minimal -- the 3 small steps to Nirvana LOL. In return what I have is a car that is still close in spirit to the original Turbo (daily driver), yet night and day more aggressive in nature: A ferociously fast beast with a nuclear power plant for an engine, and handling and chassis dynamics to match. I know my adventure has been successful because I do miss my car very much every couple days that I don't drive it.

BTW, enclosed is a comparison table of stock settings, plus the two simple alignment changes I've talked about. Watch the units, some are in degree, some in minute. eg -1.2 degree = 1 degree 12 minutes.


BTW, I could not emphasize enough the effect of the alignment changes of neg. front camber and front toe-out. It makes the steering so much quicker and more responsive (front toe out), and the car to rotate in a much more natural manner in corners (front toe out AND front neg camber). 

I don't recommend the front toe out alignment to anyone but if anyone decides to try it , I should repeat the advice from my tuner (the excellent Lucent Motorsports of Los Angeles): Be very very very careful the first few weeks and don't push the car to the limit during this time. Front toe-out is in general a setting for track and race cars, but the stock Turbo has such lazy steering response that IMO it is particularly synergistic. Above all, it is completely reversible.


Another pic:
