Pics & Review of My Bilstein PSS10 Lowered Red Turbo by cannga

By diyauto
( 4 )

2 minute(s) of a 612 minute read



Very interesting quote from famous driver (like to guess who it is?), when approached about the idea of using racing tire on a standard 997.2 Turbo:

"Ok, that will be faster but my experience is that if you put a slick tire (note: meaning tire with great sticky rubber, but very stiff wall) on a standard car, then the suspension is too soft is too soft. You get too much rolling, because you have too much side force. Then you have to also change the suspension. That's our experience even on the GT3. As soon as you put slick tires on, you must also increase the spring rate."

My main take from this (anyone feels free to chime in) is tire is a crucial part of the suspension system, and the components of the "system" should be "appropriate" for each other. A sticky, stiff-walled tire is best matched with a stiffened suspension.

Mix matching is of course ok, since we are all amateurs here, not professionals trying to squeeze out another millisecond, but theoretically it's not ideal. In other words, if you are going to use R comp on your Turbo, best to stiffen up the spring with a stiffer coilover, or stiffer lowering springs, etc.


Good news for folks in California; particularly Southern Cal. If you drive the 405 past Carson/South Bay area, I am sure you've noticed for the last few months work has begun on what promises to be a **HUGE** Porsche Experience Center and Track, built with all of western US in mind.

I believe the land deal went through during the 2006-2012 real estate bubble burst, when anyone with $$$ should have/could have/would have  scooped up properties for cheap. Rich Porsche did get richer with perfect timing here.

The track:
