Brendon's '67 Firebird thread by Tuske427

By diyauto
( 5 )

8 minute(s) of a 286 minute read


I took a few days off this week to try and get some painting done on the interior and chassis of my car before I head to China for work on Friday. I'm not sure which of the gods I've angered this time, but it feels like it's been one setback after another.

I did get the doors painted finally (this was the second attempt as I had setbacks with them last weekend). Then today the KBS Rust Seal I sprayed reacted with my car. It beaded up in numerous places. Whether I sprayed it wrong, or prepped the car wrong I'll never know. So I spent some time sanding paint back off. I'll try again tomorrow. What paint didn't bead up ran. So I spent some time sanding paint back off. I'll try again tomorrow. Then I went to open my brand new can of KBS Chassis paint- and discovered that the paint inside had congealed. Half the can was a solid rubber-like goo that won't mix or thin down with the rest of the liquid paint inside. I spent ten minutes trying to mix it an all I've done is break up some of the rubber chunks and made a mess while doing that. I've come to the conclusion that it's no good and I have my doubts that I'll acquire another can of this before Wednesday (my last day off) Grrr.

At least the low gloss paint I purchased at my local paint supply worked well. It laid down properly and is providing a nice low gloss sheen on the loose parts I painted today. I'll ultimately use this on the rest of the interior and engine bay area. My goal is to get these parts all painted up and let them thoroughly dry & cure while I'm out of town, then scuff up the exterior and clear coat that when I get back. And clean up the mess I've made...

This is sound advice. If I were any more patient/ less stubborn I could heed it and be the wiser for it. Instead I went back at it determined to make the most of my time while I have it. Fortunately for me today was a much better day. The folks at KBS credited me for the congealed paint- kudos to their service dept. Turns out the stuff I had already (Rust Seal) is sufficient as a chassis paint. The top coat is only needed to protect against long term UV exposure. So my chassis paint is all set. I also applied more of the semi gloss paint on the fire wall, and interior and now the car can sit for a few weeks and the paint can harden while I'm away.  

I still have a few small parts to paint, but the major part is taken care of for now.


OK, a month later and I'm finally back in the garage for a little bit- only to discover that somehow I botched my fabrication while building my car. I swear I mocked this up, but when I went to fit my hydroboost unit to the firewall it wouldn't fit. It interfered with the hoop support tube in my engine bay. d'oh! So the cut off wheel came out and I spent most of my time notching the tube to make enough clearance. Now I'm concerned that when I install a master cylinder it will interfere with my inner fender. I just know it will...

After notching the tube I painted it again, and a few more parts today, as well as some foam insulation on mt roof.

Also, in my haste- I've installed my kick panels and e-brake (remembering those go in early), but now I'm thinking they need to come back out as I didn't install the door jam switches for the dome light. While it may be possible to install those, it'll be a lot easier to fish the wire where I want it with them out. So out they'll come again :p


Thanks, guys. The kind words are motivation to keep going

Speaking of which, I was able to get a little assembly done yesterday. Those door jamb switches are non stop hassles. After first buying a set from local parts stores (and traveling to 4 different ones to locate two switches) I brought them home to discover they didn't even fit. So then I ordered a set from Classic Industries, and installed those this weekend, which did fit. Then I found my originals, and they are shorter in length than the ones from CI. Considering they are original to the car, I know they work. I'm now concerned these other ones will be too long, so I'll need to take them out yet again


Ok, my gauges came back in from Redline gauge works today. I'm stoked. So I put them back in the IP.

I kept the gauge faces stock, as I like them, and they were in fine shape. Redline updated them mechanically- it now has the digital speedo, updated tach, and volt meter. I also painted the back lit areas orange/ red as I don't care for the old GM green lit color. I much prefer more modern red as seen in newer Trans Ams.

If only I could take decent pics...


Wow excellent!

Posted by Diggymart on 9/23/19 @ 1:21:32 PM