Brendon's '67 Firebird thread by Tuske427

By diyauto
( 5 )

4 minute(s) of a 286 minute read


Thanks! I never even welded before having this car. There's a lot I need to learn, too. The paragraph below speaks of one such example I should know already...

This weekend I was able to start on the outer half of the inner wheel housing. Again, not able to leave it alone I had to go and modify it for more room. I trimmed it all nice to fit inside flush to the quarter panel only to weld it in and then see it shrink away. Now I have a nice gap (albeit fairly consistent) so I'll need to fill this in. Hopefully I'll get that taken care of next weekend as well as the trunk extension for the driver side.

I also got the Kore 3 hubs- they look so sweet!


This week I got a little work done and was able to finish up the driver quarter. I added the quarter extension in, added material to the inner bumper structure, and trimmed and added the trunk floor extension.  

I used '69 trunk floor extensions thinking they would have more material to work with. I flattened the curved area to maximize material and trimmed it to fit.

On the underside of the wheel well I ended up making a few trim pieces to fill in the gap. this gave me more area to attach to the quarter to. I also added a second wall to the inside of the fender edge for more strength (which I trimmed the recessed step away- I'll be doing this to the remaining ones also)

There is quite a gap on the inside where tail pipes once went. I won't be running my exhaust past the axle so I'm thinking of closing this area off.


I got a little time in today to start on the pass side quarter panel installation. I spent a third of the day today just aligning my door and front fender first to get them aligned better for reference. Without it, I'd be guessing where the panel is going.  

Till next weekend....


Wow excellent!

Posted by Diggymart on 9/23/19 @ 1:21:32 PM