The Stickman's BattleCruiser Build Thread by The Stickman

By diyauto
( 2 )

2 minute(s) of a 70 minute read


Ok time for an update. My relocated altenator is almost done. I had to switch crank and water pump pullies as well as switching to a power steering box with 2 droove pulley. Only thing taht is really a problem is my oil fill tube. the aluminum rod I am using as a brace is in the way.

I am also getting alot done on the diffuser. Both tunnels are pretty much done. they will simply need a final trimming and clean up. But for now they can stay like they are until I can mount them so I can make a center section to join them. At that point it will be one large piece that can come in and out as needed. I am really liking this look.
