Mini Pickup Restoration Project No.2! Finally Underway! by pickupmad87

By diyauto
( 1 )

3 minute(s) of a 66 minute read


Finally the bargins i was talking about in an earlier post have arrived!!

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These cost 60 quid delivered! BARGAIN!

only did a little bit tonight. decided to key up the top of the rear loadbed ready for a coat of primer tomorrow evening.

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so because i havent got much of an update i though i would show you some other bargains ive accumulated over the last year.

firstly todays one £60 posted

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secondly these i bought a couple of weeks ago primarily to use on my dads pickup before i had a change of heart on what i was doing with my rear lights got these for £30 posted.

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theres some broken ones but with the set i got today i can make a good pair out of the lot.

thirdly i got full set of mark one door glass barely scratched off ebay for a mere £10, i drove all the way to somerset to get these slightly on a whim hoping he had the chrome catches to go with it.

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luckily for me he did!! paid £90 for these not as much of a bargain as the rest but when you look at how good condition they are in, i personally thinks theres a slight bargain here as decent ones seem to go for £150

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and lastly i picked up this later type heater for £10 at utoxeter mini day last year, this slightly pissed my dad off because a year earlier he paid 60 quid for the same type heater Ha Ha!

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thats all more tomorrow
