Mini Pickup Restoration Project No.2! Finally Underway! by pickupmad87

By diyauto
( 1 )

3 minute(s) of a 66 minute read


not to much to report tonite, we have spent the evening jiggling the panels around and getting the wheel archs positioned correctley the screwed in to hold them in place and to give some quick lining up marks for when we come to weld them in

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also screwed in the subframe closing panel 

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and started to make the closing plate to go on top of that.

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thats it for tonight folks more tommorow.


got a bit done tonight even though i had to go out a fix a broken front door!! but anyaways we started with drilling the wheel arches ready for welding sanded them off the coated the weld areas with weld through primer.

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then welded them in

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i also set about cutting out the fromt loadbed stiffner that goes down on to the tunnel.

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so i cut a wee little access hole in the floor pan.

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then cut it out

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once it was cut out i drilled out the spot welds

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it needs to have a slight repair on the front lip, nothing we cant handle!!

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ill leave doing the repair until ive shot blasted it, might do that tomorrow evening as well as welding in the other wheel arch.

i also thought that while i had access to the inner sills that i would run a bead of sikaflex along where the sill meets the inner sill to stop moisture and water sitting there and to try and divert it away to the slots in the outer sill.

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thats your lot for tonight folks!
