Supercharged K20a2 Vtec - Race Spec by cptkirk

By diyauto
( 5 )

8 minute(s) of a 377 minute read


Front Bulkhead Watertighting - Part 2:

I got my good mate Barrie to do some more ali welding for me last week. A fair amount of fiddly marking then cutting of tube and fettling to get the filler pipe to match up was undertaken but I got it spot on with only a 10mm gap between the two pipes. All in all the parts came out quite well, they just need spraying up now then sealing into place.

This is how it used to look:

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And this is how it looks now:

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A sneaky look in the rear as to how to connect the filler cap:

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One on its own.

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So in my search for a bit of aerodynamics I have had to ditch the centre exit exhaust, there is an alterior motive to this, I have also re-worked the exhaust so that it will be infinitely easire to make and connect an extra silencer should I need one (most likely).

So I finished off wrapping the exhaust, another 15' of wrap was ordered and used in one go just for the 2-1 corner bit you see in the pictures.

I plan to add another silencer inside the car as I am not a big fan of the extra silencer on the outside, looks too much of an after thought for my personal liking, each to their own and all that.....

Big thanks again to Stevie G who without his help alot of what I have done would not be possible.

Any Hows, here it is finished, note extra silencer still to be made:

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The Trailer Part 2:

So two weekends ago I drove up to Notts to help finish off my trailer, a solid days work saw it completed, it was 11 hours of hard graft but it was worth every bead of sweat.

Note in the previous post that you can use the ramps as a way of raising the car to work on it by putting a 4" square post on two axle stands and then place the end of the ramps on it, briiliant for getting underneath it.

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I fitted the winch and leisure battery last week also:

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Status Update:

Car is currently up in Northants to have the engine sorted out, I will be picking it up on wednesday night and hope to psot some footage of it running on the weekend, then its full steam ahead to get it completed - cant wait to drive it.


Just got these photos sent through, showing the car on some scales, I have been told to ignore the corner weights as the floor was not level but the total weight is correct. So once the doors, windows, bulkheads, seats and a full tank of fuel it wont be far off 750kg's, will get it re-weighed once it is all together.

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Got the car back last night from the Dyno, it needs some bits and bobs sorting then back to the dyno. Good to know the engine is all ok, I need to sort a couple of electrical issues and rework some of the plumbing for the coolant.

The K&N Apollo doesnt appear to be the best filter when you get up to the 300's and will be looking to replace, watch this space. It lost 10bhp over having no filter, not good.

The dyno plot below doesnt show a very good reflection as the spike/glitch is caused something unknown at this point, ignore the peaks/spikes as they are caused by the glitch.

Note the values are at the hubs, not the crank.

Once new filter applied and a few other bits sorted out it will go back for another few runs and final tweeks. I will try and get some footage of the car running up on youtube asap

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Here is the first video of the car running, a few blips of the throttle, loving the flames.....

Now I need to extract the digit and get it finished.


Latest Updates:

The new wiper motor is in:

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Along with the new tank breather from the guys at THINKAUTO (5/16 inline tank breather) + 8mm ID flange K&N filter, ordered in to my local Halfrauds, they can get me any K&N I like within two days if its in stock in the UK, I know Halfrauds arent the cheapest but they can get the goods if you need it..

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I removed the two front bulkhead side peices after the dyno session so I could get them ready for spraying, all welds sanded back and a bit of filler to get them nice and soooth and hey presto, ready for Stuart to spray them:

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The I went about fitting the grille, bit of a barsteward tryign to fit a mk1 grille to a mk4 shell, plus I have a fwe extra holes that I dont need but you have to look close to notice them. The bumper got cut down a few weeks ago and I have thrown it there for good measure, I need to get two outer stays welded on st the original two were cut of when shortening it to accept the new massive arches. Also my super duper air directing carbon fibre bit makes it a real sod to get any form of nut on the back of the bolts (3mm), I had to tape a nut to my finger and feel my way onto the back of the bolt.

For anyone thinking of doing one of these conversions but only have a small signle garage, check out how much room I have in mine in the next two photos, it can be done, its a squeeze and you have to plan your work, but it is possible.

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Wow this is amazing build!

Posted by Diggymart on 2/3/20 @ 4:10:14 AM