Supercharged K20a2 Vtec - Race Spec by cptkirk

By diyauto
( 5 )

4 minute(s) of a 377 minute read


Gradually creeping closer to completion, I took the last two days off to get stuff done and spent most of it with my thumb up my ass (figuratively speaking), some days you just dont get as much done as you would like.

I have to admit that I didnt think the wiring would take so long but it has opened my eyes to world of automotive wiring and it aint all bad, in fact I have got right into it. I still fall into the trap of thinking I have all the wires in place, then find I missed one, like just when I have put it all in the convoluted sleeving and taped it all up....aargh.....

Spent a lot of time on the engine today, still not right so that'll have to wait til my trailers done as it needs to be taken to Market Harborough to be sorted, shame as I want to hear the whine of that charger, mind you I am sure I will be hearing enough of it once its up and running, screaming away about a foot behind me - woo hoo........cant wait.....


There were many times that I was thinking about the stripes and when I said to people about putting the red pin stripes down the outsides, almost everyone said dont do it. Ha ha.... in your face to all those that said it'd look bobbins.

I dont care much for most of the stripes you see on modern cars, even the new Mini, most are too thin or too close together or just plain shouldnt be on the car as it looks wrong...

As for the IMM/50th, nope its not gonna be ready, long story short, covered trailer not going to be ready so I have eased the pressure off myself, working all day and then in the garage til 10-10:30 was starting to take its toll. After the realization that I wasnt going to make the IMM it has been difficult to get the motivation but it is steadily coming back, I recently had some good news that a friend of mine can get me on a local track and they have a big old car park for having a good shake down before getting on track. As any other person that's building a Zcar conversion I am so looking forward to being able to outpace much more expensive machinery, in the knowledge that a lot of the build I did myself, it'll be such a satisfying feeling. Mind you thats after I have worked out how to drive it fast, as that alone will be a challenge.......


Scoop Plates:

I got my scoop plates back today after they have been sprayed to match the car, I have to say that they do look good, yer I know I am biased, but seriously - they look good.

A few photos to go with, the first couple are the drilling template in place (6mm mild steel - that drill aint wandering nowhere), one of the holes drilled pre the scoop fitting, then some of the O/S scoop all done, both are on I just forgot to take a snap of the N/S before I pushed it back.

So here goes:

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Wow this is amazing build!

Posted by Diggymart on 2/3/20 @ 4:10:14 AM